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How to set up a refugium ?

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Hi everybody!

I am interested to set up a refugium for my 3 ft tank. (no predrilled holes) However, when I check on the internet for the information, those foreign websites informations seems very difficult to understand. :cry:

Any kind soul can enlighten me with a more simple and layman instructions on how to set up.

Also, what is the equipments needed and what to put inside the refugium?

I intend to use a 2ft tank, is it alright ?

Thank you very much.

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  • SRC Member
you heard of I-Ref? allows you to have a refugium without drilling. check it out here.

and it'd be nice if you typed it in normal typeface without making your text bold. looks like you're screaming for help like that. :P

I will be reposting the product review of I~Ref in SRC. So stay tune..

Cheers. ;)

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Hi a refugium is nothing more than a mere refuge from your tank. Some reefers place fishes that are not compatible in any way with the main display tank in it.

If you are talking about a in sump refuguim then you have to first fiqure out its purpose... Reefers like some place algea (caulerpa family) to complete the Nitrogen cycle.... Its also a haven for pods if you dun intend to have fishes in it... A good place to have a PLENUM or a DSB.

In fact, depends on what you want to do... you have got lots of options!!!



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The I-ref is a hang-on type i believe...it'll kind of put additional strain on the glass.

For a 2 feet tank to be converted into a refugium, is it very troublesome...

My tank isn't drilled so is it possible for me to pump water out of my main tank into the refugium tank located beneath it and from there pump up the water again?


Need some enlightenment... :nc:

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  • SRC Member
The I-ref is a hang-on type i believe...it'll kind of put additional strain on the glass.

For a 2 feet tank to be converted into a refugium, is it very troublesome...

My tank isn't drilled so is it possible for me to pump water out of my main tank into the refugium tank located beneath it and from there pump up the water again?


Need some enlightenment... :nc:

Read my I~Ref review

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Hi hippo...

I have read your review from the I-aqua website...

But i do not think the I-ref is suitable for me.

I also do not wish to have an additional container hanging on my tank.

About my idea of having a 2 ft underneath my original tank and driven by pumps, is it feasible and workable?



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  • SRC Member
Hi hippo...

I have read your review from the I-aqua website...

But i do not think the I-ref is suitable for me.

I also do not wish to have an additional container hanging on my tank.

About my idea of having a 2 ft underneath my original tank and driven by pumps, is it feasible and workable?



Contact Ian who is the product maker. I think you are refering to a sump. He can customise the design you want.

Click here to access to his website.

Cheers :D

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Contact Ian who is the product maker. I think you are refering to a sump. He can customise the design you want.

Actually i was thinking more of a DIY thing... :rolleyes: as i have a spare 2 ft tank and nitrate has always been a problem for me.

Need to get rid of the nitrate... <_<

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Thanks for all the replies. :P

Anyway, I have tried using 2 pumps, (1 pump down to the refugium and 1 pump up to the main tank) it cannot work! As the water flow from top to bottom and bottom to top was not constant .(very very difficult to adjust exactly)

Check with LSF shop and they informed that if you want to do it this way, u need to get a "float switch" (if I remember correctly) from Sim Lim square. As I don't know how it work, therefore drop the idea.

Advise those which intent to do it this way to drop the idea, it's a waste of money......... like I do. :(

In the end, my 2ft refugium tank I convert it into a "mini FOWLR tank". :eyebrow:

Anyway, may I check with all the experience brothers out there, what kind of filter system should I use for my 2ft tank ? Thank u.

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It can't work huh... :o

I was thinking of trying. Have you tried playing ard with pump of different power ie the pump rate? I was thinking of a stronger pump to return the water into the main tank and a lower rating power pump to deliever the water down to the sump as it will be aided by gravity pull... Just a thought :upsidedown:

Anyway, for the kind of filtration to use, it may be advisable to have many LR as it will house the necessary beneficial bacteria for ur biological filtration. U can also consider a hang-on filter mainly for mechanical filtration and perhaps to house any resins like the phosphate removal in case u have algae problems and stuffs in the future.

Good Luck... :D

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