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Closing Tank Sale - Part 2

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Dear all,

Following for sale.


1) Bubble coral, green colour, 10cm- $30.

2) “Blue sponge like coral” 10cm, - $20.

3) Green leather coral, 12cm.- $15.

4) Full of star polyps on big rock, 20cm- $15

5) Green star polyps on big rock, 30cm!!- $20/-

Marine addictives

6) Seachem Reef Builder 1kg (new still sealed)-$18 plus a small bottle free

7) Aquapharm cure ich 250ml (new still sealed)-$6

8) Seachem Prime 500ml (new still sealed)-$15 each

9) Garlic Guard 250 ml (75% full)-$5

Fish (All eat pellets and doing very well in my tank)

10) Yellow Tang- 3inches- $35

11) Pacific Sailfin Tang- 4 inches - $35

12) Blue Tang (Fat fat!)– 5 inches - $25

13) Yellow Angelfish (Fat fat and no dark spots on body,very yellow!!)- 3 inches -$8

14) Rusty Angelfish (Fat fat! Fin edges super blue!)- 3 inches -$8

15) Sailfin/Algae Blenny (cute and hardworking fella!) – 3.5 inches- $8

16) 1 Yellowstripe Maroon Clownfish- 3 inches, 2 Ocellaris Clownfish, 1 fire clown and 1 yellowtail damsel- 5 for $12!!!

17) Coral Hogfish (juvenile, my tank’s bristleworms all eaten!!)- 3 inches- $5

18) Strawberry Dottyback (super purple & fat!!)- 2.5 inches - $5

19) Very disfigured purple Tang (kena lateral line erosion when the food timer stopped for a week when I was overseas) - Free! (poor fella now needs a kind soul to take him in)


20) Cleaner Shrimp (2.5 inches) - $10/-

21) Boxer Shrimp (3 inches) - $8/-

If interested, pls PM me to reserve and also provide your HP no.

For fish, there may be some delay as I have hard time catching them.


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Due to some delay, here's the latest update:


1) Bubble coral, green colour, 10cm- $30/-

2) “Blue sponge like coral” 10cm, - $20.

3) Green leather coral, 12cm.- $10.

4) Full of star polyps on big rock, 20cm- $12/-

5) Green star polyps on big rock, 30cm!!- $20/-(fluoresce)

Marine addictives

6) Seachem Reef Builder 1kg (new still sealed)-$18 plus a small bottle free-reserve

7) Aquapharm cure ich 250ml (new still sealed)-$6

8) Seachem Prime 500ml (new still sealed)-$15 each

9) Garlic Guard 250 ml (75% full)-$5

Fish (All eat pellets and doing very well in my tank. Buy only if your tank is matured)

10) Yellow Tang- 3inches- $35-reserve

11) Pacific Sailfin Tang- 4 inches - $35-reserve

12) Blue Tang (Fat fat!)– 5 inches - $25-reserve

13) Yellow Angelfish (Fat fat and no dark spots on body,very yellow!!)- 3 inches -$8

14) Rusty Angelfish (Fat fat! Fin edges super blue!)- 3 inches -$8

15) Sailfin/Algae Blenny (cute and hardworking fella!) – 3.5 inches- $8-reserve

16) 1 Yellowstripe Maroon Clownfish- 3 inches, 2 Ocellaris Clownfish, 1 fire clown and 1 yellowtail damsel- 5 for $12!!!

17) Coral Hogfish (juvenile, my tank’s bristleworms all eaten!!)- 3 inches- $5

18) Strawberry Dottyback (super purple & fat!!)- 2.5 inches - $5

19) Very disfigured purple Tang (kena lateral line erosion when the food timer stopped for a week when I was overseas) - Free! (poor fella now needs a kind soul to take him in)


20) Cleaner Shrimp (2.5 inches) - $10/-

21) Boxer Shrimp (3 inches) - $8/-

Collection only on 10 March, Saturday. 2pm to 3 pm

Address is at Blk 687C Woodlands Drive 75.

PM me your handphone and I will contact you.


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1) Bubble coral, green colour, 10cm- $30/-

2) “Blue sponge like coral” 10cm, - $20.

3) Green leather coral, 12cm.- $8.

4) Full of star polyps on big rock, 20cm- $12/-

5) Green star polyps on big rock, 30cm!!- $20/-(fluoresce)

Marine addictives

6) Seachem Reef Builder 1kg (new still sealed)-$18 plus a small half bottle free.

7) Aquapharm cure ich 250ml (new still sealed)-$6

8) Seachem Prime 500ml (new still sealed)-$15 each

9) Garlic Guard 250 ml (75% full)-$5

Fish (All eat pellets and doing very well in my tank. Buy only if your tank is matured)

10) Yellow Tang- 3inches- $35-reserve

11) Pacific Sailfin Tang- 4 inches - $35-reserve

12) Blue Tang (Fat fat!)– 5 inches - $25-sold

13) Yellow Angelfish (Fat fat and no dark spots on body,very yellow!!)- 3 inches -$8

14) Rusty Angelfish (Fat fat! Fin edges super blue!)- 3 inches -$8

15) Sailfin/Algae Blenny (cute and hardworking fella!) – 3.5 inches- $8-reserve

16) 1 Yellowstripe Maroon Clownfish- 3 inches, 2 Ocellaris Clownfish, 1 fire clown and 1 yellowtail damsel- 5 for $12!!! sold

17) Coral Hogfish (juvenile, my tank’s bristleworms all eaten!!)- 3 inches- $5

18) Strawberry Dottyback (super purple & fat!!)- 2.5 inches - $5

19) Very disfigured purple Tang (kena lateral line erosion when the food timer stopped for a week when I was overseas) - Free! (poor fella now needs a kind soul to take him in)


20) Cleaner Shrimp (2.5 inches) - $10/- sold

21) Boxer Shrimp (3 inches) - $8/-sold

Collection only on 18 March, Sunday. 6pm

Address is at Blk 687C Woodlands Drive 75.

PM me your handphone and I will contact you.


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