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Week 1 3th Nov - 9th Nov 2003

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Went to Harle***n today. Lots of LPS. Hammer coral, fox coral, purplish mushrooms, yellow star polyps, frogspawn, bubble (saw one greenish yellow one), LOTS of nice sea fans (those kind with large protruding blue polyps) and those thick ones with yellow orangey polyps, lots of sun corals and open brains. :D

Always something more important than fish.


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  • SRC Member
Went to Harle***n today. Lots of LPS. Hammer coral, fox coral, purplish mushrooms, yellow star polyps, frogspawn, bubble (saw one greenish yellow one), LOTS of nice sea fans (those kind with large protruding blue polyps) and those thick ones with yellow orangey polyps, lots of sun corals and open brains. :D

fuel yeah the sea fans were really nice, wanted to buy, but wah lau the pricing is quite high, don't know what's market price like, but paying $20 plus minus a bit for one fan is :sick: can buy LPS or almost a clam!

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fuel yeah the sea fans were really nice, wanted to buy, but wah lau the pricing is quite high, don't know what's market price like, but paying $20 plus minus a bit for one fan is :sick: can buy LPS or almost a clam!

I dun recalling paying more than $8 for a fan or sea whip at CF.....hmm.....but there are some red sea deep water ones going at $40 plus at certain shops.....so it depends on wat kind of sea fans we are talking abt

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1)dispar anthias

2)sunburst anthias- few pieces left :o:o:o

3)Juv purple queen B)B)B)

4)female lyretail anthias

5)Tri- color anthias ;););)

6)herald angel

7)coral beauty angel

8)harlequin tusk

9)miniatus grouper

10)juv purple lip angel

11)powder brown tang

12)golden sleeper goby

13)false percula clown

14)assorted damsel

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Marine Life Bartlett's Anthias is (feeding) & colour tone is very bright :)

The black tang is a baby .. abt 2inch very cute ...

Ah!!!! must resist....... :(:(:(:( If not no carberrryi or evansi anthias.......

Hey seen juv black tang before, look like ordinary scopas tang :lol::lol::lol::lol:

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I dun recalling paying more than $8 for a fan or sea whip at CF.....hmm.....but there are some red sea deep water ones going at $40 plus at certain shops.....so it depends on wat kind of sea fans we are talking abt

Definitely not ordinary sea fans. Those are the deep water species

Always something more important than fish.


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