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Week 1 3th Nov - 9th Nov 2003

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  • SRC Member

Saw Pxxxx Rexx - Ah Bxxx Had lot of Barzil fishes.....

1) Two big beautiful Black Tang.

2) a Lots of Med, Large Frech , Gray Angles.....

3) Queen Angles

4) Hog fishes....

5) Yellow Tangs

5) Plotter Angles

6) Powder Blue very small & large sizes

7) Rock Beauty

8) Juv. Emperor

9) Black, Yellow, Keyhole, Coral beauty Angles

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Saw Pxxxx Rexx - Ah Bxxx Had lot of Barzil fishes.....

1) Two big beautiful Black Tang.

2) a Lots of Med, Large Frech , Gray Angles.....

3) Queen Angles

4) Hog fishes....

5) Yellow Tangs

5) Plotter Angles

6) Powder Blue very small & large sizes

7) Rock Beauty

8) Juv. Emperor

9) Black, Yellow, Keyhole, Coral beauty Angles

eh angel not angle and potter angel not plotter angel :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

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1)purple queen- feeding already

2)coloured angler

3)dispar anthias

4)long nose hawk

5)bi- color blenny


1)hammer- many kinds

2)cateye bubble

3)normal pearl bubble

4)sun coral

5)tube anemone

6)purple tip frogspawn

7)green prata

8)red prata

9)galaxy coral

10)luminous green frogspawn

11)fox coral


13)blue discosoma

14)open brain

15)plate coral



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erm... flub sis... if you going CF can 'longpang' me go... :rolleyes::paiseh:

Sorry dearie...I also have to depend on fellow reefers but if you wan to go T95...I wouldn't mind your company up the stretch of road... B)

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she is such a nice sis...

me nice??? It's just my twin sister lah... :P

You haven't really seen my true colours...heheh... :ph34r:;)

Sometimes, in forum...my alter ego takes over... :fear::rolleyes:

Actually I may be nice in your eyes but a terror in others' opinions(ask Joe, AT and Morgan...four days in Aquarama w them and they said can't tahan me liao... :lol: ) so dun say out loud lah...I :paiseh: wan lah...

Deepblue...you just waiting for me to tell everybody about you har? Okay...here it goes...

Both TriggerQueen and you are so lovable and comfortable to talk to that I always jumping up and down, waiting for you couple to call me to go with you lah... :yeah::yeah::yeah:

Aiyah...we've gone :off: liao... :P

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me nice??? It's just my twin sister lah... :P

You haven't really seen my true colours...heheh... :ph34r:;)

Sometimes, in forum...my alter ego takes over... :fear::rolleyes:

Actually I may be nice in your eyes but a terror in others' opinions(ask Joe, AT and Morgan...four days in Aquarama w them and they said can't tahan me liao... :lol: ) so dun say out loud lah...I :paiseh: wan lah...

Deepblue...you just waiting for me to tell everybody about you har? Okay...here it goes...

Both TriggerQueen and you are so lovable and comfortable to talk to that I always jumping up and down, waiting for you couple to call me to go with you lah... :yeah::yeah::yeah:

Eh not really lah, the true flubberina will treat you well if you treat her well for example giving her a new euro- reef skimmer but if you treat her badly for example continous pestering her or what, she will treat you 2 times more bad then what you do to her., for example forcing you to drink down a cup of skimmate. Trust me i have been there done that.

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Oei...stop grinding your teeth...I'll buy you an axe... :rolleyes:

Yup...DA is right, he has been so terrorised that now he's suffering from anxiety pangs whenever my name is mentioned... :lol::lol::lol:

Okay lah...guys...go back to focus...Otherwise our heavy-handed mods will come and 'thumbed' us down liao...

So any stock update about T95?

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Oei...stop grinding your teeth...I'll buy you an axe... :rolleyes:

Yup...DA is right, he has been so terrorised that now he's suffering from anxiety pangs whenever my name is mentioned... :lol::lol::lol:

Okay lah...guys...go back to focus...Otherwise our heavy-handed mods will come and 'thumbed' us down liao...

So any stock update about T95?

:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: Yah thats why i am so thin as i save all my money for my tank and make flubberina's skimmate as my 3 meal for each days thus now i am like alien :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::off::off::off::off:

okok focus, eh flubber i thought you always go t9*and know that you go there more often than anyone of us here so why need to ask ppl. :lol::lol::lol::lol:

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Dear Ms Sweet Flubberina , next weekend after 12th(keke)...promise to call you...OK..now must resist buying anything and monitor tank for a few days.....something is wrong...dun know what....a gut feeling thing

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Dear Ms Sweet Flubberina , next weekend after 12th(keke)...promise to call you...OK..now must resist buying anything and monitor tank for a few days.....something is wrong...dun know what....a gut feeling thing

Crazy, scaring yourself for no reason :lol::lol::fear::fear: relax bro..... if AT constantly scare himself like this, the route to woodbridge hospital will be shorter and shorter for him :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

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you all going LFS??? can i go... kinda boring everytime go alone...

no prob...but next weekend. this week...wan to take a break from LFS visiting :lol:

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