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need advise on leaking bulkhead


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Hi all,

siliconed my return and overflow bulkhead myself one year ago. Bullkhead are the one from haicheong with o-ring. Realised leaking from the base of one of the return piping.

did not realised that i siliconed the bulkhead wrongly till i read from another forum. basically i put silicon all over the bulkhead and the o-ring. anyway. it is bery diff to remove the bulkhead as i can only accessed to one side of the overflow even though my overflow is about 1ft by 1ft (i think).

So, can i remove the silicon of the bulkhead at the underside of the overflow and re-apply another layer of new silicon on it or do i really have to redo the whole thing. Of course will drain the ater from the over flow first lah.

thanks in advance.

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