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Timer for MH Malfunction

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Hi All! I`m having this problem and hope someone can help me out. I`m using 2x 250w MH for my tank. The first time i install ikea timer for those MH after a few days the timer malfuction and the MH was on for 5 days. It was because so happen that time i was overseas. When i came back half of my corals was dead and the situation was really bad. At first my though was the ikea timer was a cheap 1 so i changed all the timer to a germany brand(couldn't remember the name now), It was working for a few days then malfuction again. But this time i was there to notice the fault. I`m thinking now could it be because the MH power output is too strong and it's imcompatible with the timer? Maybe the timer was meant for 13amp equipments only? Hope all the see foo out there can help me on this, and also recommend me a good timer brand in malaysia. Thanks a lot in advance!

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Tried already bro. I`m using TheBen from germany..still same problem. I think it's because the timer is mean for 13amp standard appliances and not meant for Metal Halide. Trying to look for Timer for 15amp appliances. So far couldnt find any yet.

bro, i'm using the Ben timer for my 2 x 250 watts

MH. So far no problem. I believe something wrong

with ur timer or u did not set the timer properly.

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yup, get the better quality timer which can support the starting in-rush current and also the magnetic drumming of the magnetic ballast which beats at 50cycle/min.

Also for magnetic ballast, you have to add some heat loss factor for the load current.

Example: for a 250W MH light, the typical ballast heat lost is around 1.5 to 1.8 times of the light wattage. Which means total input power is 250W x 1.8 = 450W. The current will be 450W/230V = 1.96A. So if you use 2 x 250W MH, it would be abt 4amperes. Your timer should take this minimal current.

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yup, get the better quality timer which can support the starting in-rush current and also the magnetic drumming of the magnetic ballast which beats at 50cycle/min.

Also for magnetic ballast, you have to add some heat loss factor for the load current.

Example: for a 250W MH light, the typical ballast heat lost is around 1.5 to 1.8 times of the light wattage. Which means total input power is 250W x 1.8 = 450W. The current will be 450W/230V = 1.96A. So if you use 2 x 250W MH, it would be abt 4amperes. Your timer should take this minimal current.

I`m looking for 15amp timer but it's very hard to find in malaysia. U know where can i get it? But base on your calculation, a 13amp timer should be sufficient enough right?

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