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Roidan's 4ft tank


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i tried frozen mysis....never eat leh...hmm...will try brine shrimp and see got any reaction...

anyway, i did a comparison of the sand from my old 2 ft sump and the current 4 ft sump using coral sand size 0...my old sump sand is not coral sand...but i much finer and packs very tightly compared to coral sand 0...here are some pics....i cant seem to find this sand nowadays...

this pic is the finer sand from my old sump

Yup i notice that mysis shrimp are less popular to use in getting fishes to eat, well maybe brine shrimp is more fine and has strong fishy smell thus attract more fishes as compare to the mysis shrimp.... Well who know :whistle:whistle:whistle

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no wonder....geee....only the clowns gobble the mysis down...lol...

must go get brine shrimp liao....

u try live brine shrimp.. anything live will get their attention.

usually what I does for potential new fishes that may not eat is to cage them, once they start to eat then release. no other seasoned

fish can go "snatch" food from the newcomer.

of course its a double edge sword, caging will stress the weaker

(mentality) fishes too.

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thanks BBB,

but then hor....maybe the baby powder is a vegetarian? lol...

i put cyclopeeze, mysis, it didn't even look at them...lol...

will try live brine tomorrow then

my half dead n half "fin" onto coffin, see live brine shrimp also chase after them.. good luck n send my regards to your PB..

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marine algae? issit the nicely packaged seaweed? :)

or you mean those caulerpas in our sump tanks?

nicely pack one, there's one for $7 retail.

one small pak, one reefer mention he got good results after feeding his fishes.. so far i never try b4..

the seaweed I eat also not tat X..!!

I feed my fishes the cheapo one, pasar malam brand from NTUC.

AT intro one. :) good enuff. one pack can last one year at least!!

I got one spare one, u want can pass to u.

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thanks...no need lah...i go quite a few tangs...i better get a packet myself..i know those unsalted, ones...normally dried in a round shape...must dip in water...so u soak in garlic? or just throw the seaweed in? hehe

used to soak, but my YT the one fish eating it so far.

no need garlic lah. waste on it. that YT damn hardy,

from deepblue family of hardy fishes.. anyhow also

won't get sick easily.

I pluck some n put in the seaweed clip, YT will go peck..

like just now start to peck my turtle weed.. :cry2::cry2:

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bro...I need the nori...couldn't get it anywhere near my vicinity...have to prepare food...your packet lasts you a year but mine only last me for two months or so...sigh...my fish are really gluttonious!!! :rolleyes:

Btw...I saw the nicest and thickest tufts of turtle weeds at T95 today...go grab them... :)

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bro...I need the nori...couldn't get it anywhere near my vicinity...have to prepare food...your packet lasts you a year but mine only last me for two months or so...sigh...my fish are really gluttonious!!! :rolleyes:

Btw...I saw the nicest and thickest tufts of turtle weeds at T95 today...go grab them... :)

how too man.. I put in, becomes X, "weed" food for my YT.

also cannot make it, I go down liao, close shop lohz.

nori can pass u anytime. but duno when.. hehe.. can wait?

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yeah..many huge slabs of turtleweeds today...uncle very happy today business so good and i was helping aunty pluck algae off the rocks...lol...

the slabs are twice or 3 times the normal turtle weed rocks...very nice...but i still very mystified with the black sun corals....i wonder how they look when open....

what time were you there today flubberina jie?

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hehe..i was there in the morning to grab some stuff before the LFS shops came and grab them...lol...

then afternoon went back to gia gia again and pluck algae weeds off the uncured rocks together with aunty....

saw a lady when i was there in the morning at the road before the stony path up...nearly smiled at her thinking was you....hehe

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ladies at LFS..? veri rare..! slurp..

won't see me smiling at gals.. most probably

me rubbin chin n droolin only..

anyway, i ask the LFS at my workplace to source one for me. lazy to bump ard, n bo huey by poor attitude LFS.

is the turtle weed the standard price? yummy.. !

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Wah...morning...you think i so free ah...got to earn some income to sustain this hobby also hor... :lol:

Anyway, if you smile at me, I will look at you and think that you are gila and scoot away... :lol::lol::lol:

hehhe..i will just smile and ask are you flubberina....hehe

but i think if i say that to the lady..she would think i am seow ...lol

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hehhe..i will just smile and ask are you flubberina....hehe

but i think if i say that to the lady..she would think i am seow ...lol

poor pickup line she thinks..

tik better will be

"eh.. excute me.. missy, got any nice cups to sell ..?"

* slap slap *

"ouch, cup coral I mean.."

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