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Setting Up Marine Tank

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hi guys i'm new to here ;) ~ would like to continue to use my old 2ft(Tall) Nisso Tank for marine n continue using my ehim external filter is this possible ? :unsure:

how mani kgs of marine salt do i need ?

wat abt the LiveRocks ?

wat else do i need ?

need how mani days to cycle the water ?

Rgds to aLL

Thks :)

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1.depends on how many gallons. 2ft tall tank is not specific

2. Depends on how u want to scape. And How Big Your Tank is

3. Test kits. Hydrometer . More Salt for water changes

4. There is no specific timing. Just test ur water water the ammonia spike. no nitrite no ammonia. shld be good to go

Im used to use an eheim external canister. sure u can use it. but a sump is much more convenient

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my tank is 73litres,

as for scaping tink i will decide myself since the liverocks will effect the nitrite...

juz got my test kit SERA's NO2 test for nitrite izzit correct ?

got my hydrometer, wat else do i need in future ? any solution to improve the water ? wat else do i need to maintain the water in tiptop condition ?



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Do a plenum ! or some prefers DBS . .. . . .. . .. .

Cause nitrate will shoot up very quickly for such a small tank, water changes defintely helps but it will burn a hole in your pocket !

err hi shark sorry i'm new dun understand wat u said~ wats Do a plenum ? or some prefers (DBS = ?) :) thks

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Hi Matrix23x.

Wat the others said is true & correct. I've experienced it myself using 2ft tank. I only found this reef club forum after I've setup up my 2ft tank with intentions of keeping it "small and at low cost". Hahaha wat a DISASTER my tank turned out to be...... :nuke: :nuke: :paiseh:

After reading up and asking arnd, I then gave up the idea of setting a "small & low cost" tank. I now hv a 3ft with internal IOS + the works. So far, my tank is doing ok......hopefully it'll get better. ;):whistle

If my present tank is successful, I intend to convert my other 4ft tank into marine and release my arowana into the wilderness............. :ph34r::fear:

To quote wat others said........Go slow & easy.

Setting up is the fun part........Maintenance is the enjoyment part.

Hv fun..... :P

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okie.... you will need some test kit like ammonia no2 ,no3,Ph ....Hydrometer for checking the salt level

skimmer ...... crushed coral (0-2) best for sand bed at least 2-4 inches deep ....

i would said 400gram of live rock to 1 litre of water .....if there is more live rock it will serve as bio-filter and it will be more stayble ...

you need at least 2 to 3 week or longer before the cycling period is over ...you also need lighting .....can get T4-PL 55watts(CR) is good enough for soft coral and marine fishes ..

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okie.... you will need some test kit like ammonia no2 ,no3,Ph ....Hydrometer for checking the salt level

skimmer ...... crushed coral (0-2) best for sand bed at least 2-4 inches deep ....

i would said 400gram of live rock to 1 litre of water .....if there is more live rock it will serve as bio-filter and it will be more stayble ...

you need at least 2 to 3 week or longer before the cycling period is over ...you also need lighting .....can get T4-PL 55watts(CR) is good enough for soft coral and marine fishes ..

done some reading but then lol setup b4 i did the reading lol had some advices simliar to DrJekyl_MrHyde ~ anyway thks alot DrJekyl_MrHyde~ :)

did a sea bed of 3inches, got the hydrometer n the no2 tester kit .. do i realli need the ammonia no3 & ph tester ? ... more live rocks will increase the nitrite rite ? :unsure:

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done some reading but then lol setup b4 i did the reading lol had some advices simliar to DrJekyl_MrHyde ~ anyway thks alot DrJekyl_MrHyde~ :)

did a sea bed of 3inches, got the hydrometer n the no2 tester kit .. do i realli need the ammonia no3 & ph tester ? ... more live rocks will increase the nitrite rite ? :unsure:

You are right. Normally, a 3" is only a normal seabed. You'll need at least 4" - 6" to make a Deep Sand Bed.

Some expert can do without test kits but its definitely recommended that any newbie like you and myself to use testkits. There's a few test kits that will defintely be very useful even after ur tank is cycled. e.g. pH, NO3, alk. As for NH3/4, NO2, if you can "tahan" not adding any livestock for 3mths and just wait for your tank to cycle, you can leave them out.

If you are adding more uncured LR now, you'll probably create another NH3/4 spike depending on the amount. Thus prolonging your cycling period. However, its always better to add them now then later.


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done some reading but then lol setup b4 i did the reading lol had some advices simliar to DrJekyl_MrHyde ~ anyway thks alot DrJekyl_MrHyde~ :)

did a sea bed of 3inches, got the hydrometer n the no2 tester kit .. do i realli need the ammonia no3 & ph tester ? ... more live rocks will increase the nitrite rite ? :unsure:

for you. yes. test kits for NH4/NO2/NO3 and pH will be a "good to have."

I wouldn't say die die must have...but would you really want to live in the dark regarding the cycling period? for all you know, your tank may not even be ready and you just dump fishes/lifestock in. poor souls. :P

so yeah. spend that little bit more, and give fishies a better lease of life. (=

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how much no3 depend on the living thing in your live rock die off ....but it should be more than 50ppm...... so after the cycling change 50 to 70% of water .....then you need to check the PH.....if the PH is 8.0 to 8.4 is ok ...you can start add your first coral slowly ...one by one or two to three but do not ...

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so y 400gram to 1 litres of water ....

the more LR you have in your tank the more stay able it is ....cause LR is a bio-filter.......my tank it a 15gallon tank but i have more than 20 kg of LR in it ......but i am running on only one JEBO hangon type filter which is 1000litres per hour ......and a orac 25 skimmer ....but weekly 10% (1.5gallon) of water change to reduce the no3......

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Yep, thats exactly my point. ;) Maybe you've misuderstood what i was trying to say cuz of a typo. Add some, not add too much, cuz adding in too much corals at one shot will cause a spike in ammonia thus its detrimental to the heath of the corals. So what you can do is maybe add in the corals that you want few pieces by few pieces.

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erm so i am advice to add LR when ? today onli 2nd day haix .. gonna wait .. meanwhile wat can i do ??? :unsure:

btw got something to ask ... for marine tank need to put air stone ? like freshwater fish for air? my fren's a few fishes die cos curcuit breaker trip then the filter stop... tats bad... :ph34r::(

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  • SRC Member
erm so i am advice to add LR when ? today onli 2nd day haix .. gonna wait .. meanwhile wat can i do ??? :unsure:

btw got something to ask ... for marine tank need to put air stone ? like freshwater fish for air? my fren's a few fishes die cos curcuit breaker trip then the filter stop... tats bad... :ph34r::(

many hobbyists would advise you put in the liverocks as you begin to cycle your tank as this would shorten the total amount of time need for the cycling... if you decide to put in the LR only AFTER cycling, den the tank would enter into another cycle when the rocks r introduced...

rem: whenever something new is added to the tank (LR, fish, etc) the tank enters into a cycle. however, the first cycle takes the longest time, ranging from 3-8 weeks... depending on the combination of everything that is available and used for your tank.

heard that airstone is not necessary if you have a filter as airstone do not create an environment natural enough... people usually use powerheads to increase the water circulation, if necessary. it all depends what livestocks u intend to keep... some corals need more currents than the others. :phone:

...what are u missing from your life?... dun wait till your last breathe before telling them that you care

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many hobbyists would advise you put in the liverocks as you begin to cycle your tank as this would shorten the total amount of time need for the cycling... if you decide to put in the LR only AFTER cycling, den the tank would enter into another cycle when the rocks r introduced...

rem: whenever something new is added to the tank (LR, fish, etc) the tank enters into a cycle. however, the first cycle takes the longest time, ranging from 3-8 weeks... depending on the combination of everything that is available and used for your tank.

heard that airstone is not necessary if you have a filter as airstone do not create an environment natural enough... people usually use powerheads to increase the water circulation, if necessary. it all depends what livestocks u intend to keep... some corals need more currents than the others. :phone:

erm oh ok thks alot .. will test the waters after the 1st week n see the results while considering how mani LR to put... do i hav to top up the water since its the 1st cycle ? wat abt next time ? i top off tap water rite ? while 10-20% change of salt water which i add the salt n stir n pour it in rite ?

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