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WTS Blasto

little bull

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  • SRC Member


More than 15 polyps. The biggest is same as 50 cents size. Mixture colouartion with green and purple.

Size is abt 7 t0 8cm across.

PM your offer, I would get back to the potential buyer only.

Pls dun waste your time to PM to ask how much I want to sell. you may not get the reply.

Collection at Changi.


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  • SRC Member

I'll take up your offer at the price you are asking for. So, can I assume deal done?

Since U r not in a hurry, can I pick it up after next week...having a very busy schedule next week and I'm staying in the west. I PM you my mobile number latest by monday, somehow can't use the PM function with my home laptop.

Thanks Sis. :D

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