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Which medication to stop ICK?

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  • SRC Member
let me suggest this.. u get some garlic, juice it. and then mix your food in it. let it soak. and feed them to the fish. feed for 2-3 days. everyone will be ok.

I'll probably do that. So how do you extract the garlic juice? Put in a blender and mince them, then squeeze the juice out from the mash? :P

So did you get the UV in the end? Does it help?

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  • SRC Member

garlic u get a garlic press from Tang's kitchen section lar. blending and the hand squeezing is also a workable way.


The Deep Blue Sea in My HDB!


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Try not to blend your own garlic juice, it is too strong and fishes will spit out the food. Buy garlic guard or another type with small glass bottle with a turkey bluster. It works perfectly fine. But make sure your fish is ich and not marine velvet, marine velvet would have a minimum chance of survival.

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  • SRC Member
Try not to blend your own garlic juice, it is too strong and fishes will spit out the food. Buy garlic guard or another type with small glass bottle with a turkey bluster. It works perfectly fine. But make sure your fish is ich and not marine velvet, marine velvet would have a minimum chance of survival.

Tried it. As you said, the fish spit out the food. Maybe I put too much garlic juice :huh:

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  • SRC Member
Did you blend it yourself? Don't do it, try to buy commercially made, almost all LFS have it. The very small bottle (like luggol solution bottle) is very effective.

I bought Kent Marine garlic guard finally... and Neosal liquid from Henry. Now my foxface is in QT again :sick:

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  • SRC Member

My personnel opinion, medication dun really works..... only a temp measure... read up more about the life cycle of ich, and u do realise that it comes back again n again.... Worse, I've lost corals as well with medi .... Lesson learnt... Never dose them in the main display tank....

Best way is still hyposalinity.... Drop it to 1.009 - 1.011 and leave it there for 6 to 8 weeks.... Reason: Hypo only kills the ich (Burst them) parasite during the reproduction cycle (means when its not sticked onto the fish)... However do it slowly as u wun wanna shock the fish so much.... Do expect the fish to loose some colour over this period..... Unless its a fowlr tank, do this only in a QT...

Good luck!!

Best Regards,



My Ocean Pets:

Emperor Angel, PowderBlue Tang, Regal Angel, Teardrop Butterfly, Singapore Angel and Nemos


(Only when you guard your lips, you guard your soul....)

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  • SRC Member

don't feed the fish garlic. just soak the food in garlic juice then feed. they want to eat the food cos they are hungry, so have no choice but to eat the garlic juice on it too


The Deep Blue Sea in My HDB!


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My personnel opinion, medication dun really works..... only a temp measure... read up more about the life cycle of ich, and u do realise that it comes back again n again.... Worse, I've lost corals as well with medi .... Lesson learnt... Never dose them in the main display tank....

Best way is still hyposalinity.... Drop it to 1.009 - 1.011 and leave it there for 6 to 8 weeks.... Reason: Hypo only kills the ich (Burst them) parasite during the reproduction cycle (means when its not sticked onto the fish)... However do it slowly as u wun wanna shock the fish so much.... Do expect the fish to loose some colour over this period..... Unless its a fowlr tank, do this only in a QT...

Good luck!!

Yup! I believed in this method too & I guess this is one of the best solution that I had ever tried before. But you need to have a refractometer to measure the salinity & lot of patient. ;)

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  • SRC Member

Well, my Foxface has been in QT for 1 week using Neosal. I stop the Neosal since yesterday. The ich seems to have cleared but he doesn't want to eat for 1 week. How long should I keep him in QT? Afraid that he'll starve to death if he still doesn't eat. :o

There's no ich on the other fishes in the main tank so far. I think they have built up a resistance to it.

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My story...

When I got my first brown tang, it was down with ich or velvet (doesn't really matter). It didn't eat. It looks like it's gonna die. Then one day it began to eat Formula 2 pellets. Then it began to eat seaweed. I also added medication and gave it fresh water dips. The ich subsided slowly and after a few weeks, it became ok.

I added a Sailfin tang next. Same thing happens only that the brown tang didn't get ich, only the Sailfin. I did the same routine and after some time, it began eating and the disease went away.

I added a Blue tang next. Same thing happens but this time, the Blue tang was really weak. I bought a small one. It almost died as it didn't eat for a long time and was so weak that it got stuck at the powerhead inlet. Miraculously, it started eating and soon, it was back to good health.

I added a Yellow tang next. As expected, everything happened again. But turned out well in the end.

I sold the Brown tang to a nice bro here as it grew too big for my tank.

Everything was good until early Feb 2007. :(

I bought a pair of pink clowns. I followed the same procedure since the day I started my marine tanks: float the bag, fresh water dip, then put them into the main tank (no QT). This was a mistake but I don't think this was the fatal one.

I fed everyone with mysis shrimps since the clowns are not veggie eaters. I noticed in the past that all my tangs would get a bit of ich whenever I feed them too much mysis shrimps, but this time I have no choice. As expected, the tangs contracted ich. All of them. The clowns too. Things didn't look too good.

On the first day of CNY, 1 clown died. Yesterday, the BT and the remaining clown died. Freak. I've down almost everything I could. The YT looks weak, with white coated eyes, and didn't eat much. The Sailfin is eating right now but the white spots are there. I think the diet of mysis shrimps did not provide the resistance required by the tangs that was present in the seaweed or Formula 2 pellets. This, I believe, is the fatal mistake.

I'm feeding them the usual healthy diet now and I'm keeping my fingers crossed. :cry:

(~ cci[RR]us ~)
A pair of Nemos :: Deep Sand Bed
Solite 2x24W T5 :: Prizm Skimmer with Overflow attachment

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Oooh ok. Right now I have no more mysis shrimps, and my YT just migrated to the fantastic mega marine aquarium up in the heavens... I'll soak the seaweed in garlic juice and see how. :)

(~ cci[RR]us ~)
A pair of Nemos :: Deep Sand Bed
Solite 2x24W T5 :: Prizm Skimmer with Overflow attachment

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reef safe medication is very ineffective in my experince because they say that it wont harm your inverts but what is ich its an invert so it means it wont kill the ich it will just make your fish skin more resistant to the parasite but when you stop putting the medicine it will come back again qt tank is still the best and proper nutrition and diet that is the only way to prevent them try aquamedic exodin that is the most effective medicine i tried so far that is reef safe the other one i have is very very effective but not reef safe its home brew from the philippines ther is only one shop there making and selling it :P

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