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The Big Day! 5x2.5x2.5


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  • SRC Member
Hi bro,

Im supprise that your skimmer could not cope and crash your tank. Well, it had happen to me twice and that is the normal case for new tank.

Thot his beckett would have helped?

I had left a naso tang dead in my rocks once...

And before I know it. Its almost 100% decomposed.

Think the hermits, snails and worms in the rocks helped.

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  • SRC Member
Sorry to hear that.... Are you going to add one of those addictive/bacteria that speed up the recycling of tank? Might help to build up the bacteria faster since the water is very nutritious now... :eyebrow:

Was at marine life at hong leong yesterday. Henry suggested a bacteria culture. Price is $3 per teaspoon. initial is 12 teaspoon. fellowed by weekly half strength. Any one tried? quite ex. and not sure if it works so didnt buy. a months dose would cos close to a $100. :(

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  • SRC Member

The skimmer is not on as I wanted to let the bacteria grow. :(

U mean u knew the fish was dead but u left the skimmer off anyways? Err...that's probably the cause of the crash then and not so much the death of the fishes or itch per say.

I can understand the rational of not turning on the skimmer when the tank is cycling without livestock but to do so when u added livestock would be pushing it seeing that the additional waste would have to be purely handled by the liverocks which probably aren't matured enough to handle the additional bioload.

So when a single fish dies, that would completely throw the water chemistry off the chart and then cause the entire chain reaction for the crash.

Sorry to hear about the loss buddy...but we live and we learn in this hobby i guess. Post pics of the setup anyways and keep us posted on ur progress. :)

Tank 66"x27"x28" - Return Pump Red Dragon 12m3 - Skimmer Deltec AP701 - Chiller Starmex - Wavemakers Wavysea - Lighting DE 6 x T5-HO

southpaw23's reef

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  • SRC Member

Was at marine life at hong leong yesterday. Henry suggested a bacteria culture. Price is $3 per teaspoon. initial is 12 teaspoon. fellowed by weekly half strength. Any one tried? quite ex. and not sure if it works so didnt buy. a months dose would cos close to a $100. :(

Bro... $100? Better invest that on good quality LR. At least U can get things like brittle stars and stuff... Natural stuff usually better.

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  • SRC Member

Yup.. should have turned on the skimmer. Didnt occured to me at the time. Lesson learned.

Live rock in tank is from my old tank. about 100+ kg. Will post pics of the current status tonight when i get home. Gonna go drinking tonight!


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  • SRC Member

if not....take the pics first thing in the morning! haha :)

Really keen on seeing how the whole tank setup looks like so keep that in mind when takin pics eh? sump setup and all...heheh... :D

Tank 66"x27"x28" - Return Pump Red Dragon 12m3 - Skimmer Deltec AP701 - Chiller Starmex - Wavemakers Wavysea - Lighting DE 6 x T5-HO

southpaw23's reef

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  • SRC Member

Dont think i'll rearrange the rock. ver siong.... ke ke. Anyway the center par of the rock hill is empty held up by support and it has many entrance for fish. so the fish will have plenty of hinding places. too lazy to move anything liao. ke ke :P

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  • SRC Member
Rocks scrape nice y resrape? Unless u wanna add SPS then gonna make it higher. This scrape u have will have good flow

No Intention of SPS for the moment. not for at least a year. prefer to wait for tank to be matured first.

Shot of the rock scape. Caves/ ke ke :P


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  • SRC Member
Hi Bro,

Have PMed you the tank maker details. You looking to make new tak?? ke ke..

thanks, got it.. yup, considering 1... btw, can pm me your total damage excluding LR, H2o and LS? U design it yourself? if yes, :bow:

4x1.5x2.3 home tank

6x2x2.3 office tank

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