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2006 Best Bargain


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i am closing down my hobby as i will be overseas, selling everything at $600 which include the following:

-4ft by 2ft by 2/1/2ft(height) with cabinet

-4ft metal halide with 2 tube of blue light (however current both blue light is down)

-4ft blue light (both tube down too)

-6month old chiller, cant remember the brand but is china brand (original price $800)

-UV light (tube down too)


-protein skimmer

-carol (nothing muh left except a elephant ear with 6 elephant ear on a single rock, original price $ 120)

-fishes (2 yellow tang, 2 blue tang, 8 damsels, 1

-others (3 different type of starfishes, 3 different type of sea cumcumber)

-still got other fishes cant remember their names

-rocks (about 70kg in total)

$600 include everything except that some of the fishes, rocks n others will be giving away to my friends, while stock last)

-interested party pls email me at sax8585@hotmail.com

reason for alot of light tube down is because recently got a power failure...all my light tube are down n i'm too lazy to replace it

$600 for everything is definitely worth your money...


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