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The Deep Blue Sea in my HDB! (2'x1'x1.5')


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thanks bro reefzzz. those rocks were from another reefer. she was clearing her tank and let me picked all the coraline encrusted ones. I'm seeing coraline bits appearing on the other rocks as well as on the glass. Hopefully all the rocks will get nice and pinky too

Hehe... be prepared to provide them with plenty of Calcium :lol::lol::lol:

Tank 60x40x40 Optiwhite Glass Tank Sump Elos 500 w/ Tunze Overflow Protein Skimmer Skimz Kone SK1 Return Pump Hydor Seltz L30 Wavemaker Hydor K1 Illumination 150W + 2 T5 Chiller Arctica 1/5hp w/ Aquabee 1000 Water Top-up Tunze Osmolator Dosing Pumps Grotech 3-Channels Calcium Reactor Deltec PF 501 Computer Aquatronica

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bro ... my inlet smiliar to yours... i tried the sponge method.. works for a while ... but i the gurgling sound can back in minutes.. sounding worse ! the the gurgle was faster and more irritating.. think the only method is to put a right angle elbow and face it downward .. and i can do that coz my inlet pipe is huge and would suck it the fish ..

when the lights come on, i'd take a picture and show you how it's like. where got gurgling sound? hahahha, because the sponge distribute the water evenly mah. prevent the vortex so no air sucked in and hence no gurgling sound. later lar. when the lights come on i take pic


The Deep Blue Sea in My HDB!


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how about upgrading to a 4x2x2 :P

i already told u that i was damm tempted lar, but no space lar. if i can convince my ma to sell the piano, i will come take that tank from you.


The Deep Blue Sea in My HDB!


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Hehe... be prepared to provide them with plenty of Calcium :lol::lol::lol:

hey bro jervis, i not so worried about calcium lar. i'm more worried about MG! its damm hard to raise MG! dose dose dose only go up so little. how ah?


The Deep Blue Sea in My HDB!


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hey bro jervis, i not so worried about calcium lar. i'm more worried about MG! its damm hard to raise MG! dose dose dose only go up so little. how ah?

Install a CR to solve all problems of dosing, measuring & dosing... :evil::evil::evil:

Main Tank: 5 x 1 x 1

Return from overflow: Eheim compact+ 5000

Lighting: 2x 54W T5

Skimmer: Deltec SC 1350

Chiller: Arctica 1/10

Wave Maker: Tunze Nano Wavebox & Tunze 6055 with Photocell
Monitor 1: American Marine Pinpoint pH monitor
Monitor 2: American Marine Pinpoint Temperature monitor

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CR for a 2 footer nano. hmmmmm... does CR help to improve other things like MG, strotium, iodine and stuff? or is it just calcium alone?


The Deep Blue Sea in My HDB!


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hey bro jervis, i not so worried about calcium lar. i'm more worried about MG! its damm hard to raise MG! dose dose dose only go up so little. how ah?

My preferred way to raise Mg is to change salt water (those brands with high Mg)... this will also benefit the system in overall... base on my experience... once the Mg is more or less set at a steady level (say 1400ppm)... it will stay there without too much maintenance. Calcium on the other hand (together with KH) requires constant attention as they get used up quite rapidly especially when you have large quantities of LPS, SPS and LR filled with coralline algae :)

Bring your Mg back on track and you will have less problem with Ca :) ... vice versa :heh:

Tank 60x40x40 Optiwhite Glass Tank Sump Elos 500 w/ Tunze Overflow Protein Skimmer Skimz Kone SK1 Return Pump Hydor Seltz L30 Wavemaker Hydor K1 Illumination 150W + 2 T5 Chiller Arctica 1/5hp w/ Aquabee 1000 Water Top-up Tunze Osmolator Dosing Pumps Grotech 3-Channels Calcium Reactor Deltec PF 501 Computer Aquatronica

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what brand of salt you recommed? i have started off with tropic marine. now i've just changed to coral life.1400ppm? wah! the packet of salt only said its mg value is 1200ppm. how u raise it to 1400?


The Deep Blue Sea in My HDB!


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what brand of salt you recommed? i have started off with tropic marine. now i've just changed to coral life.1400ppm? wah! the packet of salt only said its mg value is 1200ppm. how u raise it to 1400?

I've been using Marine Environment with good results... optimum levels for Ca and Mg... although KH is low... I am now testing the Grotech Salt... Grotech is a bit more troublesome with additional dosing of Ca and Mg (provided with the salt)... I think generally, ME is a good salt for that price range :)

Tank 60x40x40 Optiwhite Glass Tank Sump Elos 500 w/ Tunze Overflow Protein Skimmer Skimz Kone SK1 Return Pump Hydor Seltz L30 Wavemaker Hydor K1 Illumination 150W + 2 T5 Chiller Arctica 1/5hp w/ Aquabee 1000 Water Top-up Tunze Osmolator Dosing Pumps Grotech 3-Channels Calcium Reactor Deltec PF 501 Computer Aquatronica

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thanks thanks.. i will just do my regular water changes to finish up this packet first. then i will try ME. overtime raise the MG lar


The Deep Blue Sea in My HDB!


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mmm mr. underwater u got a very good point. rock slide! i have placed all the heavy ones at the bottom. the top ones are the lighter ones and each one notched into place carefully (can never be careful enough i must say)

pod cast update, copepods are here!



The Deep Blue Sea in My HDB!


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Current LS:

1. 1 pair mated false clowns

2. SF Tang

3. ###### shrimp

4. cleaner shrimp

5. crocea clam

6. small hammer colony (came with LR)

7. sun corals

8. cauli flower

9. mushrooms

6. copepods, worms, bugs and don't know what monster.

I'm planning to get

1. juvenile emperor angel (my fav! but wary of its territorial nature)

2. spotted mandarin (this fish looks cute, and i've got copepods!)

3. purple dart fish

4. fire fish

5. kole tang (to eat algae and clean the tank)

that should be all i'm ever gonna put in.

i also plan to start a mushroom collection. the kinda corals that my potential emperor won't nib at

what say u guys?


The Deep Blue Sea in My HDB!


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  • SRC Member
Current LS:

1. 1 pair mated false clowns

2. SF Tang

3. ###### shrimp

4. cleaner shrimp

5. crocea clam

6. small hammer colony (came with LR)

7. sun corals

8. cauli flower

9. mushrooms

6. copepods, worms, bugs and don't know what monster.

I'm planning to get

1. juvenile emperor angel (my fav! but wary of its territorial nature)

2. spotted mandarin (this fish looks cute, and i've got copepods!)

3. purple dart fish

4. fire fish

5. kole tang (to eat algae and clean the tank)

that should be all i'm ever gonna put in.

i also plan to start a mushroom collection. the kinda corals that my potential emperor won't nib at

what say u guys?


You may want to reconsider getting an emperor angel if you are keeping clams, meaty type of corals and zoos. l kept one before and it nipped on my clam and zoos. Being a big angel type, it also requires a bigger tank.

For spotted mandarin, l understand it requires a good supply of copepods and similar stuff to survive and generally prefers mature reef tank.

Just my 2 cts... ;)

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wow johntanjm u have a very nice tank n ur water is very clear men :bow::bow:

thanks for the compliment! for clarity, i don't know how true it is, but i attribute it to chemi-pure carbon. I run canisters, so the mechanism might be very different from sumps.


The Deep Blue Sea in My HDB!


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You may want to reconsider getting an emperor angel if you are keeping clams, meaty type of corals and zoos. l kept one before and it nipped on my clam and zoos. Being a big angel type, it also requires a bigger tank.

For spotted mandarin, l understand it requires a good supply of copepods and similar stuff to survive and generally prefers mature reef tank.

Just my 2 cts... ;)

yar.. the emperor angel. u know i really really love the junvenile emperor. but you're right lar. it will nib. its just their nature. hungry or not still will nib. i've kept small a specimen of the juvenile in the past, i really miss it :(

the mandarin i read alot about it and i was just thinking whats the diff between 6mths old tank and 10yr old tank? conditions should stablise and get better and then taper off what... so there should be no difference between a tank matured for 1 yr or a tank matured for 10 yrs?

both are issues of contention lar and you guessed them really well man! haha! how how how?

i am seeking to achieve a zero fatality rate


The Deep Blue Sea in My HDB!


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nice tank man.. btw ... be sure to monitor your KH ... corallife has low KH... :erm:

thanks for the compliment and the tip. i will check KH first thing in the morning when i wake up! :)

hey take this time to ask. if KH is ok, there's little need to check pH right?


The Deep Blue Sea in My HDB!


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yar.. the emperor angel. u know i really really love the junvenile emperor. but you're right lar. it will nib. its just their nature. hungry or not still will nib. i've kept small a specimen of the juvenile in the past, i really miss it :(

the mandarin i read alot about it and i was just thinking whats the diff between 6mths old tank and 10yr old tank? conditions should stablise and get better and then taper off what... so there should be no difference between a tank matured for 1 yr or a tank matured for 10 yrs?

both are issues of contention lar and you guessed them really well man! haha! how how how?

i am seeking to achieve a zero fatality rate

mine too...i lost mine during an ich outbreak in my tank. The juv emperor is still my favourite angel. Now cannot add liao 'cos got zoos in my tank... <_<

do post new pics after adding new colored background hor or any new additions you have bro.


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I really want to do the colored back ground but but but... haiz. I started building this tank with a very very open concept. If you follow my blog, the intial sketches, I want everything to be seen. So its just like one glass cube with lotsa things supporting the life inside. And the point was to keep these equipment neat so that the whole look is complex but yet simple. so maybe i will still not stick anything at the back.

New updates! Sun corals! feeding them is such though ###### job.


The Deep Blue Sea in my HDB




The Deep Blue Sea in My HDB!


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Eating and eating


The Deep Blue Sea in my HDB




The Deep Blue Sea in My HDB!


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eating somemore


The Deep Blue Sea in my HDB




The Deep Blue Sea in My HDB!


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eating some more

A more funky lomograph of all the eating found at the blog!


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Sun corals are eating, they are really pretty and I've seen new polyps and even new colonies but there's something disturbing. I discovered some polyps rotting away.

Left is a past pic. right is a current pic taken today

Green = bad stuff happening

Purple = good stuff



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