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Petmart has it. $3 per bottle.

Heard that some 17 yr old is selling this to cover school fees.

Do support him ;)

wah, then his school fees must have been very very expensive. He has been selling it for a long long time already. Is he attending ballet and piano lessons too?

I thou he initially say he wants to recover the running cost of his tank?

But beware when purchasing those live rotifer and phyto, becos there is no proper QC (inconsitence in quality?) and the content in the bottle could have been contaiminated. Use at own risk.

U maybe better off with dead rotifer, can get at Aquamarine (rotifeast). Just my 2 cent.

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sorrie to interupt juz my 2 cents...

if u r feedin roti-feast by aquamarine to babies or infants fishies.. (no offences)

they will not eat them as they r not live like living rots moving squirting ard..

i hav already proven with my nemo babies...

i tink i have support e 17old guy very long liaoz.. :(

cus e auntie at petmart say like i e only one buyin...

everytime i go sure got left over stock for me lolx..

do c e density of e rots in e bottle thru against their shop ceiling light

e auntie says shake e bottle well

but i say after shaking them how r u suppose to tell e live n dead ones???? :pirate::pirate::pirate: not beri convincing e auntie.....

but try keep then in ur chiller after u buy home

slow down their metabolism...can tahan abt one wk liddat :cry2:

*beware e rots in e bottle water r of higher salinity*

u may wan to try addin water if u r feedin a small fishtank.. :eyebrow:

if u wan to breed rots u hav to ask BAwater = expert..... :evil:

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i hav seen those so called "live" roti n phyto. bot a few bottle to try. did some measurements too. omg, its high in po4 n no3. no wonder everytime after use the following week sure aglae boom.

furthermore not sure if its 'alive' or fresh as every time pass by lfs sure can see the same old bottle there.

not recommended .

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i hav seen those so called "live" roti n phyto. bot a few bottle to try. did some measurements too. omg, its high in po4 n no3. no wonder everytime after use the following week sure aglae boom.

furthermore not sure if its 'alive' or fresh as every time pass by lfs sure can see the same old bottle there.

not recommended .

actuali if ur eyesight is gd u can c them in e bottle mahz...

they r normally either at e bottom or e top

depending on e light source...

normally they gather at e top...

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