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Infact, I feel that he is protecting your interest too before things get really out of hand and it becomes too ugly for you all for the sake of selling some products...I wouldn't deny that you may have beautiful zoos and your latest strategy of using photographs of your own zoos will reflect better of your integrity and character... :) ...and dun reject me if I wanna buy from you in the future, can? :peace:

For your info, taking others pic to advertise my product was never in my selling agenda.

For all you know, due to my faulty camera was down and under repair for a few days. I carelessly done so for this instance.

Actually, there was an latest upload of my Humbe Ricordea & Zoos Garden-hightlights under the members tank photo section.

In the post, I have immediately upload the actual zoo I am sharing with the reefers here and state the clear the differences. At the same time, I received some positive comments from some of the reefers like Deepblue, woonming etc...

However, I recently found that that post has been missing?

That perhaps has contributed to the misunderstanding between Travis and me.

I agree with you....since the air is cleared and misunderstanding is resloved,

I see no reason why should we still brag on the subject.....

Lets move on to a new dimension. ;)

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It is nothing more than a careless act due to the faulty camera. And Travis and I have already strike an understanding between ourselves.

Furthermore, I have not breached his interest by claiming the zoos are from him and start selling all over the net. Or even publicly selling his photography works for an instance.

I believe your analogy pertaining to the issue is not that relevant. Your analogy is pertaining more to a trademark or patent being violated rather than copyright laws.

Please refrain yourself from further spoiling the air between Travis and me as

pure misunderstanding has already been defined.

Maybe you should be thinking of other ways to improve and benefit SRC rather than doing this to stir more flames between Travis and me.

Your kind understanding is appreciated.

You are truly amazing! If you knew more about copyright or rather choose not to pretend you don't know, you should be working as a lawyer.

Do you know what is infrigement of copyright? Its exactly as you mentioned. Violation of trademark or patent ie someone else's creation/work. To make it simple, using someone else's work/creation and passing it off as your own. In hokkien they say "Using someone else's ###### to paste on the face".

As most typical singaporeans I had wanted to keep quiet too. Why create bad vibes when it doesn't involve me. Just leave it to those involved and to the authorities. This is probably what most think.

But I'm sorry....cos I AM doing my part to make SRC a better place. And that is by not encouraging and letting everyone know this is not a honest method of selling.

However you simply wipe it off by saying its all a misunderstand, its a careless act, its fanning the flames between you and Travis. But none of your statements are of you realizing what you did and why many comments were made against it.....just simply denying everything.

Again you make the same mistake of not realising what this entire incident is about. Of you posting a photo which is not the actual product you are selling and not informing others about it.

Look at your very first post and you will see only a price tag and a photo of the zoos and a statement:"Selling frags of this rare zooanthid" All this speaks for itself. You misled people into believing you are selling the same frags as in the photos. Only when many voice out then you say its not your photo.

Wrong analogy? Just because zooanthid cannot be eaten I really do not see the difference in analogy. Copyright is copyright and its regardless of products. Refusing to see it doesn't make you innocent.

So now you are buddies with Travis and we are all trying to break your new friendship apart? :lol:

Hey bro I am really sorry for creating this entire scene and breaking up your new buddy friendship Travis. I guess all this misunderstanding was created just so you could get closer to Travis.


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You are truly amazing! If you knew more about copyright or rather choose not to pretend you don't know, you should be working as a lawyer.

Do you know what is infrigement of copyright? Its exactly as you mentioned. Violation of trademark or patent ie someone else's creation/work. To make it simple, using someone else's work/creation and passing it off as your own. In hokkien they say "Using someone else's ###### to paste on the face".

As most typical singaporeans I had wanted to keep quiet too. Why create bad vibes when it doesn't involve me. Just leave it to those involved and to the authorities. This is probably what most think.

But I'm sorry....cos I AM doing my part to make SRC a better place. And that is by not encouraging and letting everyone know this is not a honest method of selling.

However you simply wipe it off by saying its all a misunderstand, its a careless act, its fanning the flames between you and Travis. But none of your statements are of you realizing what you did and why many comments were made against it.....just simply denying everything.

Again you make the same mistake of not realising what this entire incident is about. Of you posting a photo which is not the actual product you are selling and not informing others about it.

Look at your very first post and you will see only a price tag and a photo of the zoos and a statement:"Selling frags of this rare zooanthid" All this speaks for itself. You misled people into believing you are selling the same frags as in the photos. Only when many voice out then you say its not your photo.

Wrong analogy? Just because zooanthid cannot be eaten I really do not see the difference in analogy. Copyright is copyright and its regardless of products. Refusing to see it doesn't make you innocent.

So now you are buddies with Travis and we are all trying to break your new friendship apart? :lol:

Hey bro I am really sorry for creating this entire scene and breaking up your new buddy friendship Travis. I guess all this misunderstanding was created just so you could get closer to Travis.


:huh: , I only know the differences between copyright laws and trademark or patent because I went to check the net this morning....


Do you know what is infrigement of copyright? Its exactly as you mentioned. Violation of trademark or patent ie someone else's creation/work. To make it simple, using someone else's work/creation and passing it off as your own. In hokkien they say "Using someone else's ###### to paste on the face".


When did I use Travis works to become mine?


However you simply wipe it off by saying its all a misunderstand, its a careless act, its fanning the flames between you and Travis. But none of your statements are of you realizing what you did and why many comments were made against it.....just simply denying everything.

Again you make the same mistake of not realising what this entire incident is about. Of you posting a photo which is not the actual product you are selling and not informing others about it.

Look at your very first post and you will see only a price tag and a photo of the zoos and a statement:"Selling frags of this rare zooanthid" All this speaks for itself. You misled people into believing you are selling the same frags as in the photos. Only when many voice out then you say its not your photo.


I have made a public apology pertaining to my carelessness in my previous reply.

Same mistake ?? :huh:

I have already made clear in my previous reply that differences have been spell out at the point of trading.

In my reply to flubberrina13, I do have a thread missing that states clear the differences.

Why are you still bragging on the resloved issue?

Your kind understanding is again appreciated.

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To all my fellow reefers,

Advertising in this fashion was never in my practice.

Because of the fact my camera was down on the 17th of October, I carelessly borrowed pics in such manner. However, I still make the effort to state clear of the differences at the point of trading.

Those who know me will be able to verify this.

For all you know, I am not gaining profit in this event of sharing.

I believe if you just get any temporary job out there, can fetch a far more better pay than this kind of miserable selling.

I am not doing this for a living....and this sharing has taken me a lot of time and efforts.

Since my repeated efforts have been downplayed and not appreciated in this forum, I do have second thoughts about sharing such corals here.

Your kind understanding is appreciated.

Thank you.



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Alright, I am going to put an end to this episode. Although the exchange has been cordial thus far, I don't want it to end in a flaming session.

Let's all try to be more mindful of consequences and people's feelings and perceptions next time with our words and actions. If you're not prepared to deal with it, don't even start it.

It's up to everyone to judge for himself if the act was wrong or overblown out of proportion. What matters most is that both sides have taken pains to clarify the matter.

If there is a conclusion already, then let it end.

If you wish to debate further.. do it cordially & logically OR I will put an end to any emotional fighting.

Thank you for your co-operation.

And the saying goes:

"buyers beware!"

And let's promote 'Sellers integrity'.

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"AAAhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh........................." Bang Head!!!!! Bang Head!!!!!

For all you know, I am not gaining profit in this event of sharing

$10 for a frag, you call that sharing???? And how much does an average colony of zoos cost in Singapore? You tell me and I'll tell u whether it's sharing or profiteering.

I only know the differences between copyright laws and trademark or patent because I went to check the net this morning

There was a hugh article on the papers and tv on the laws of copyrights (Kazza) couple of weeks back. Didn't you read it??? Even kids in schools knows about copyright and u don't???

Stop giving excuses.....

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It doesn't what your intentions were in posting the wrong pics.

The fact of the matter is that several people here bought pieces from you thinking that they were getting comparable stuff.

Of course, that was simply not the case.

This is the result of your misleading posting. So own up to it.

That is classic bait and switch sales tactic. You get the customer to travel all the way to your home, and after going through the expense and time of getting there, plus having met you in person and feeling bad if he doesn't buy from you, chances are he will buy, regardless whether he knows the goods are of the same quality as the posted pics.

Please do us all a favor and stop "sharing" your "rare zoos".

For heaven's sake, this is the not the first time that you said you would stop "sharing" things here. You already said several months back in your ricordea yuma thread that you would stop "sharing" these "rare gems."

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"AAAhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh........................." Bang Head!!!!! Bang Head!!!!!

$10 for a frag, you call that sharing???? And how much does an average colony of zoos cost in Singapore? You tell me and I'll tell u whether it's sharing or profiteering.

There was a hugh article on the papers and tv on the laws of copyrights (Kazza) couple of weeks back. Didn't you read it??? Even kids in schools knows about copyright and u don't???

Stop giving excuses.....

Hmmm.....I thought AT words are pretty clear enough.

I personally think ....there is no end to such arguments if this persists.

I believe AT should close this thread of mine, it seems like another flaming session might evolve.

I really can't understand why this issue cannot be resloved among us ourselves

as compared to a fast and sweet settlement between Travis and me.

Lets try to promote a healthier SRC image to others who are viewing our site.

Such arguments are not doing the forum good.


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It doesn't what your intentions were in posting the wrong pics.

The fact of the matter is that several people here bought pieces from you thinking that they were getting comparable stuff.

Of course, that was simply not the case.

This is the result of your misleading posting. So own up to it.

That is classic bait and switch sales tactic. You get the customer to travel all the way to your home, and after going through the expense and time of getting there, plus having met you in person and feeling bad if he doesn't buy from you, chances are he will buy, regardless whether he knows the goods are of the same quality as the posted pics.

Please do us all a favor and stop "sharing" your "rare zoos".

For heaven's sake, this is the not the first time that you said you would stop "sharing" things here. You already said several months back in your ricordea yuma thread that you would stop "sharing" these "rare gems."

:huh: ??

* sigh*

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Some areas for thought.....

Is there a double standard in this forum, or is it purely bias against me alone?

Is taking pics from Live Aquaria.com to potray as his livestock for sale the same?

Furthermore, Live Aquaria.com has specifically mentioned at the bottom of his every webpage....

Quote from Live Aquaria .com:

Copyright © 1997-2003, Drs. Foster & Smith, Inc. All rights reserved.

Many of our products are trademarks and registered trademarks

of Drs. Foster & Smith, Inc.

Strictly No offence to the reefer that I quoted above.

However, it does brings out my curiousity....

I personally feel that as domestic SRC members, we should help and benefit one another. Any disputes should be solved privately rather than publicity.

This definitely will affect the SRC image in the eyes of the international viewers.



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Man... I am gonna go nuts trying to arbitrate this.

Give me some time to think about what's at stake here.

Protecting the forum from future fracas, protecting the rights of consumers (but what happened to 'Buyers Beware') or enforcing guidelines on sellers and their advertising language?

I'll create a new thread on such issues and I'll rather hear more viewpoints from everyone without the need to pinpoint any one such incident.


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If you are really sincere about "sharing", you would have long offered a refund instead of defending your actions.

check out what is happening under WTS Purple/Pink Zoanthids post...

before making this statement.

I believe you must have missed it.

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oki.. guys.

let's move onz.. ?

everyone got eyes to see.. after all the debates abound. hehe..

later Travis bounce back n check this thread, going to give

him a stomach cramp from laughin too much.

rest assure he will know if some sort of this happens again. :)

** k, I thought I saw a chio bu pass by.. c u guys..

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  • SRC Member
Some areas for thought.....

Is there a double standard in this forum, or is it purely bias against me alone?

Is taking pics from Live Aquaria.com to potray as his livestock for sale the same?

Furthermore, Live Aquaria.com has specifically mentioned at the bottom of his every webpage....

Quote from Live Aquaria .com:

Copyright © 1997-2003, Drs. Foster & Smith, Inc. All rights reserved.

Many of our products are trademarks and registered trademarks

of Drs. Foster & Smith, Inc.

Strictly No offence to the reefer that I quoted above.

However, it does brings out my curiousity....

I personally feel that as domestic SRC members, we should help and benefit one another. Any disputes should be solved privately rather than publicity.

This definitely will affect the SRC image in the eyes of the international viewers.



Can AT kindly remove this post.....

I do not want him to get into trouble with Live Aquaria.com.

As long as I get my point across the board...I do not wish to see unhappy incidents like the one I had to happen to him.


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Well, you've all certainly been busy while I was gone. :)

OK, the way I see it there are two issues here:

1) Copyright infringement

This issue is SETTLED. No need for anyone, including you Ricordia, to bring it back up. Nothing will add salt to any wounds or fan the flames because there are none. Continuing to bring this up is beating a dead horse.

2) Seller Ethics/misrepresentation of the product

This issue is up to you guys. Personally I'm quite confident that the majority of people on this forum are now aware of what has gone on... so hopefully you will all be more careful when dealing with any seller. What else is there to accomplish here?

To the moderator: I for one think this thread has outlived its usefulness. I am but a humble guest on your boards here, but I've always been the type to voice my opinion. And my opinion is, the thread should be locked.



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A Last note to my Thread.....

Thanks again to Travis for replying.

I must hereby stressed again that there was never ever an INTENTIONAL misrepresentation adopted by me in this sale.

As far as this is concern, I have made my best efforts to clarify and explain the differences in color on every delivery.

However, if there are still inconvenience caused to any reefer in this event of misunderstanding. My very sincere apologies to you.

I hope there are no hard feelings to any reefer in the course of the event.

Nevertheless, I hope everyone of us here can strive towards a more positive approach in this reef keeping hobby.

Thanks again. :peace:



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