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Brineshrimp Hatchery


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Just got myself an idiot proof brineshrimp hatchery that will save me all the unnecessary work of doing DIY and the design of this equipment is really quite innovative.

No need for air pumps and the likes...just good old seawater from your tank to the level idicated, pop in some eggs and let it stand for 36-48 hours and tada! You get live brineshrimps swimming to the center of the device because they are attracted by the light at the centre and all you need do is to harvest the shrimps. The egg cases are trapped by a device at the peripheral.

Only costs about $35 and will last you a lifetime...bought it at the aquarium at Downtown East. Think the guy only has about 4-5 pieces left.

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  • SRC Member

its a very simple product tts designed to the very nature of brine shrimp .

brine shrimp moves towards light rite?

the circular black container has a hole in the middle with 2 partitions forming 3 circular areas of decreasing water level(of coz water can move to the other area)

just add salt water to the water level mark.

add desired amount of BS eggs.

place partition.

place a 'cup' with micro mesh in the centre of the device.

24 hrs later u get free swimming baby brine shrimps free of shells!

just take the cup out and feed to ur frys!

simple to use and easy to wash.

p.s place i got it was from WC. (at central area)

price was $3*.

for those who want to go the simple way of hatching brine shrimp without the hassle plus a nice look of the device. i recommend u to go for it.

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Just got myself an idiot proof brineshrimp hatchery that will save me all the unnecessary work of doing DIY and the design of this equipment is really quite innovative.

No need for air pumps and the likes...just good old seawater from your tank to the level idicated, pop in some eggs and let it stand for 36-48 hours and tada! You get live brineshrimps swimming to the center of the device because they are attracted by the light at the centre and all you need do is to harvest the shrimps. The egg cases are trapped by a device at the peripheral.

Only costs about $35 and will last you a lifetime...bought it at the aquarium at Downtown East. Think the guy only has about 4-5 pieces left.

If you study proper culturing methods, the hatching of brineshrimp cysts has best results if the eggs are always in suspension which is achieved through the slow bubbling of air causing good water circulation. Oxyen saturation should be high too... which without air bubbling... you can't achieve. ;)

The best specific gravity for hatching brine shrimp is 1.010 to 1.020. Some reef tanks are maintained at 1.025. So what I do is I take out enough tank saltwater and dilute it to 1.010.

If you could post a pix of this supposedly hassle-free BBS hatching gadget? It would be interesting to see how it works compared to the tried and tested DIY coke bottle hatchery which is extremely cheap & easy to use too. :)

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  • SRC Member

I saw it before too at the inner store at Reef World before it was converted to tanks. Basically it is a flat black dish about 1 -2 inches deep with a donut shape cover. Attached to the centre of the cover is a light bulb. There is also a cup shape strainer fitting nicely into the hole of the cover, submerging in the water. When the fries hatched and swim towards the light, you just lift the strainer and the fries will be caught in the strainer.

Personally, I use the coke bottle, extension of my discus hobby.

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  • SRC Member
hhmm interesting... maybe will try to DIY one myself, but I don't get the strainer cup thing, if you can lift it up and fries caught inside, then how do the fries get in the cup in the first place?

Actually never really saw the thing close up, But I figured that the strainer is probably pointed at the base with very small holes at the base portion. The upper part of the strainer will probably have larger holes for the fries to swim through. So when you lift it up, you will get the fries at the bottom part where they are trap.

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The whole bottle should be exposed to light to trigger the hatching procress. Not just a little hole for light to attract newly hatched BBS.

The whole point of culturing BBS is to make sure that you a very high rate of hatching and all at the same time, so harvesting will be done all at once and maximum yield with minimum wastage.

Trust me, the coke bottle method is 100% effective plus you can SEE everything that's going on! :)

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36 hours?? Not surprising... there is not enough light reaching the cysts to trigger the hatching.

Almost 100% of the BBS would be swimming after 18 hours with my hatchery.

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It's just the design of this hatchery is fundamentally wrong, it goes against almost everything that is recommended in my Plankton Culture Manual - with regards to lighting, brisk water circulation and the amount of water needed vs the quantity of cysts.

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  • SRC Member

No one wait until 36hrs bro. Mine hatch within 20hrs. Take wat ever u can within 24hrs after it hatch.

I find it easy to use, hatching rate also quite high. But still slightly lower than the traditional method. But just imagine the trouble u can avoid.

Wei :)

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