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chiller and Calc reactor


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I've left the hobby a long time ago, but still have some equipment left over from the experience.

as a result of wanting to get rid of them to clear up badly needed space in my room, I'm getting rid of the above mentioned equipments for cheap. or at least what I think is cheap.

the Aquamedic Calc reactor comes with a dosing pump. cost of the whole thing? $150.

the Teco chiller doesn't come with any dosing pump. cost of the whole thing? $150.

if you were to buy the two of them together, it'd cost $250 in total for the two items.

if you're interested, please message me.

prices are final and non-negotiable. sorry about that, but I haven't been on this forum for a long time and I need to be a bit weary when it comes to dealing with people for now. apologies. :(

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chiller tentatively reserved for somebody called Andrew...

just a note....

I don't have the ability or the time to wash/change the media in the calc reactor....... so you'd probably have to do it on your own. do factor that in if it's a consideration to you.

and as far as I know...... everything was in working order. I can't guarantee anything though, and if it seems to stuff up, I can offer a full refund provided that

1) the item is returned to me in the condition that it was in

2) the item doesn't show apparent dismantling, disfiguring or disabling

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chiller has been sold off to a nice guy called Andrew. I hope you find the pump, pipe switches, and refractometer useful........ and in working condition too.

HwDQ....... maybe when I graduate and come back to Singapore. assuming I am going to come back when I graduate. the hobby is too expensive to start up in Australia... simple guppies would cost me $3 - $5 a pop..... so, I don't even want to fathom how much a marine set up would cost down under.

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Aquamedic Calcium Reactor plus Dosing Pump is still on sale for $150.

does not come with calcium media, needle valve, CO2 tank... it's just the Reactor, the pump and the powerplugs responsible to run them. and other goodies I can dig out from the house. if I'm not mistaken, it's the Kalkreactor 1000 series. I've got no idea if it can fit a pH probe or anything, but I'm pretty sure that it doesn't come with one.


I'm basing this based on my pictorial comparison of having the reactor in my room and looking at it from the computer monitor.

again like I said, the media is still inside. I have no ability to clean it due to my current commitments to studies and work, so you will have to clean it yourself. please factor that in if it is a factor to your purchase.

Anthony.... if you're still keen, do get back to me ASAP to let me know. if not, I'll let it go to other people. (=

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