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My 2ft :P


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I've recently upgraded my lights to t5s and am wondering what other corals I can try in my 2ft. I welcome all suggestions. Considering more LPS like hammers, frogspawns or bubbles but I'm not too sure if they can sting my other livestock to death in the small space?

Tank Specs:

Equipment: Eheim Liberty 200gph hang-on, Red Sea Prizm with overflow attachment, 4x 24W HO Jebo t5 with jebo tubes, ground probe, Tropin Marin Pro Reef Salt, no additives.

Water chemistry:

Temperature should be around 28-29 deg celsius I suppose, no idea about the rest of the other specs :P . I think my tetra nitrate test kit's not working properly. In any case, I just do water changes if I have the feeling that something's not quite right because of abnormal behavior from the fish or anything else.

I change water once in a while. For small water changes, I store a bit of extra saltwater from preparing for large water changes in 1.5litre bottles. Used to use distilled water but got lazy about it, so I use tapwater now. No major problems except for light diatom growth.

Tank, live rock and green mushrooms on the top are four years old and running stably, fish and additional corals added over the course of this year. There was a rash of parasitic isopods from the live rocks four years ago so I left the tank running with just live rocks and shrooms till recently. Lazy to maintain also. Haha


Fish: Bicolor dottyback (got attitude), low grade true perc, bicolor angel.

Inverts would be the anemones and corals below, 2 blood shrimp and 2 skunk cleaners, 3 Nassarius snails purchased from sis Monki, many many bristleworms, pom pom crab, various tubeworms.

Customary FTS:


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  • SRC Member

Last photo, lone blue shroom also from Sis Monki.

Can anyone tell me if my lights are sufficient to keep a clam? Would it be possible for me to keep any kinds of SPS (maybe montis?) and anyone knows where I can find those frags or frags of ric floridas for not too much? haha poor student, just asking, don't flame me :P


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