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Is this bioload okie?


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  • SRC Member

HI experts..

I am thinking of setting up a 4x2x2 tank with sump and chiller..

Plan to keep these fishes:

Naso Tang

Archilles tang

Powder Blue Tang

Yellow Tang

Blue Tang

Regal Angel

Juvenile Emperor Angel

And some small fishes like clown,goby and mandarin

May I know which ones to add in first before the others?

I know some are more aggressive and should be added later..


I plan to keep SPS after 6 mths or so..

would it be advisable to keep SPS since I got angels who tend to pick on them?

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Too many fish. Your fishload looks more appropriate for a 6 footer. I would suggest you keep LPS before going onto SPS. You must gain some experience on appropriate bioload levels first.

Always something more important than fish.


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  • SRC Member
Plan to keep these fishes:

Naso Tang

Archilles tang

Powder Blue Tang

Yellow Tang

Blue Tang

Regal Angel

Juvenile Emperor Angel

And some small fishes like clown,goby and mandarin

May I know which ones to add in first before the others?

I know some are more aggressive and should be added later..


I plan to keep SPS after 6 mths or so..

would it be advisable to keep SPS since I got angels who tend to pick on them?

Wah!!! Later the Tang Police come after you ah... :lol:

Too congested liao... when I wan to keep five tangs, I gave away my flame angel, two coral beauties, a boxfish, wo big-sized firegobies and my Cowie too... :cry2: Just so to buy two more tangs. :P

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  • SRC Member

The tangs will fight in a 4' tang. Too much aggression is unhealthy.


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  • SRC Member
The tangs will fight in a 4' tang. Too much aggression is unhealthy.

Agree...that's why I try to choose as varied as possible the type...but really thank God that my two regals aka Bluey and Junior are amicable to each other... :P

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Agree...that's why I try to choose as varied as possible the type...but really thank God that my two regals aka Bluey and Junior are amicable to each other... :P

Wow...I thought 2 regals will only end up with 1 regal..

I remember the time when I bought 3 juvenile regals about 5cm each...in the end...only 1 left...it murdered the 1 within a day...and living peacefully with the other one for a week or so..until it decided to murder it as well...and to tink all that took place in a 4 ft tank. :blink:

Always something more important than fish.


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  • SRC Member

Wow...I thought 2 regals will only end up with 1 regal..

I remember the time when I bought 3 juvenile regals about 5cm each...in the end...only 1 left...it murdered the 1 within a day...and living peacefully with the other one for a week or so..until it decided to murder it as well...and to tink all that took place in a 4 ft tank. :blink:

Well...treat them w TLC lor...they have been with me for almost ten months liao... Never had any injuries to their bodies...Touchwood...(mind I touch your head??? :lol: )


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  • SRC Member


I had guessed that it might be a little heavy on the bioload..

but these tangs look damn great...very hard to choose which ones to keep..

by the way, tangs are okie with angels??

Which tang should go in first and last??


Yah..i will definitely keep SPS after i have experience with LPS..

wun jump the gun..no money to tahan a crash...

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Normally people avoid keeping angels with any hard corals. Not even dwarf angels are 100% safe. They might have a natural instinct to peck at corals.

Anyway..tangs...always add the smallest and most sensitive tang first. Give it time to adjust to its new home before introducing the bigger and more hardy one. I would add achilles tang first...best to find a small specimen.. last one to go in would be yellow tang. I would avoid regal tang...the strongest ich magnet IMO among tangs.

Always something more important than fish.


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  • SRC Member

I'll recommend naso tang going last out of the list if you intend to get one. I think you can keep a max of 6 tangs or angels if you have adequate skimming.


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