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Where do you get you nicks from?


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  • SRC Member

I was just wondering how some of you guys come up with your nicks?

Tanzy is my initials, Tan Z.Y. so there!

What's your excuse? ;)


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http://www.sgreefclub.com/forum/uploads/post-36-1073276974.gif post-36-1073276974.gif

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  • SRC Member

This is so fun, just thot i'd join in! Me cina name is weijin~~sounds like Wedgie (if u dono wat this thing is, i can demonstrate on one of u when we meet up one day! But must wear normal underwear then can hahah)

To make it easier for Singla-poreans to spell, i used Wedgee...


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  • SRC Member

No need to say much about mine..... :D

By the way, AT, anyway I can change my current name into another nick and maintain others? Just in case one day I say something wrong here and suddenly my NSS shares are taken back or I find my live rocks at home is confiscated.... :(

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  • SRC Member

Wedgee? NORMAL underwear? ;) What is abnormal?

Anyway, mine is some french word I saw written on my french notes in Poly. I used it as my ISP user ID so used it for everything else. And I checked it up... good thing it wasn't anything vulgar or crude. Simply means "trusted" :lol: irony! :rolleyes:

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  • SRC Member

mine started with me being a fanatic with star wars and especially the character stormtrooper.. thus, to relate it to me, i put a kel in front.. da la... there u have it.. kelstorm.... luckily i wasn't into barbie dolls....phew..

now i'm into gundam and train sets as well.. hmm.. wonder what should i call myself..keldam?? sounds silly.. hahahaha.. btw, name is kelvin

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Frankly, it something off the top of my head ...

I met some clown trying to impress me with his 'ingrish' and kept using the term:

'Rumour has it.......blah blah blah.....' and again , 'Rumour has it.....'

Well, I took that as a nick then, not too bad, at least something good came out of that 'bullshit-punctuated' conversation. :D

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Oops, sorry, I'm Victor


You can probably lay to rest something that has been bugging me for a while.

In EP2, the StormTroopers are supposed to be clones of Jango Fett, but somehow, they seem to look like that Captain of Natalie Portman?

Sorry guys, hope you don't me asking something about Star Wars.

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  • SRC Member

those are clone troopers.. not storm troopers.. hahaha.. different..

Let us work together to preserve the world for our children to inherit by being responsible to our surroundings. Take nothing but pictures, leave nothing but footprints, bubbles and memories.

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