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Question abt temp during cycling


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Hi, I've cycled my 2ft tank for about 3 weeks, a couple more weeks to go, fired up my skimmer for about a week, temp rised to abt 32 degrees now from 30 degrees. Waiting for chiller to arrive. have no livestock atm, only my liverocks and live sands. Is this temp bad for my liverocks and sand? :blink:

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Actually 32 DegreeC is really high for marine livestock. I am not sure if BB can survive in this temp. But since you said that your chiller is arriving, then it should not be a problem. But since you have no LS currently, there is no worries. Just test for NH3, NO2 and NO3, if the cycling process still continue, then no problem at all. :lol:

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  • SRC Member

Coralline algae will die. Before yr cycle complete, try used CO2 to push down PH to 6.5 so that Coralline algae will grow fast, but CA must have 450 PPM and remember that NO FISH NO CORAL, sure die. when everything ready, remember to stop CO2 to gain back PH 8.2

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  • SRC Member
by pushing PH to 6.5 and coralline algae will grow faster?

that's means that i can actually grow coralline algae during cycling of tank? does it needs strong lights as well other than enough calcuim?

that book cause less then $39, now i outside, i forgotten the tittle. IS big and thick and alot info abt alage and setup for us to choose.

I not very sure, it didn't mention on that pages, but i found somewhere mention abt timing, the book too thick. will post again

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  • SRC Member

be warned that you may risk killing off any coral fragments/sponges/good snails and critters in the live rock that you want with the slightly acidic pH of 6.5 even if you end up with a tank smothered with coralline algae. given enough time and proper water conditions, coralline will grow anyway.

letdoit, can you post before and after photos of the rocks that you grew coralline on with your method? very interested to know what the results look like. are they bare rock seeded with some coralline from existing rocks?

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  • SRC Member
be warned that you may risk killing off any coral fragments/sponges/good snails and critters in the live rock that you want with the slightly acidic pH of 6.5 even if you end up with a tank smothered with coralline algae. given enough time and proper water conditions, coralline will grow anyway.

letdoit, can you post before and after photos of the rocks that you grew coralline on with your method? very interested to know what the results look like. are they bare rock seeded with some coralline from existing rocks?

yes, i had mention will kill all coral and fishes. Only for LR only. Nothing else. Just for alage only. PLS PLS PLS don't put coral and fishes, sure die...

i should underline the word first.

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  • SRC Member
yeah agree , and with the excess dissloved C02 u are using, it will somehow be trapped in yr sandbed,rocks,and soon it will be fuel for algale.

my 2cents

yup yup. anyway the book doesn't said anything abt sandbed. push down PH will promote Coralline algae fast BUT of course maybe gave other problem

I hope everyone understand,this is the fastest way to promote Coralline algae ONLY. Sandbed and other problem, i can't one by one answer to everone, example, maybe i will shoot up NO3, i don't know and i didn't care during that test. My 1 ft test tank only have test PH and CA for 2 mths, of course my chiller run 27 degree during that time. My Testkit is salfert , not cheapo one, cause $$ just for test out.

During to testout i kill my fresh water planted tank, due to lack CO2, later tonight i post some pics.

If anyone want to test out at my place, hope he/she can lend me co2 ( i can't afford take away from fresh water planted tank just to test out again)

bring yr own 1x LR without Coralline algae, 1x LR with abit Coralline algae, but most must able to fit in 1 feet tank.

last, contribute abit $$ for my chiller during testout again. 2 mths confirm make yr (without Coralline algae) become Coralline algae


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Coralline Algae is like the building foundation of a reef system, you have to ensure that it survive BEFORE putting anything else to your set-up hell. There are lots of ways to do it. Make sure you choose one and stick with it. Please do not put livestock to "test" unless you are really sure your tank is able to support live. Again, our coral reef is dying, please do not add to the killing.


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  • SRC Member

Must agree with Matt06,

Don't follow my step, all my coalline algae dead during cycle. Too late, spend alot of money buy live rock for cycle, yet don't know the important of C.algae. too late. too late.

I only able to make 1 or 2 LR to have good C.alage, the rest need very long time because i can't one by one take out, all step up and with coral, i think i will take years to rebuild all LR with full of coaline algae.

here is some of my shut down setup for LR

now going to be inside store room


This is after take out CO2 from planted tank to test out my LR


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