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my 2ft tank after rescaping


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jervismun :D ya bro...indeed for this new rescaping I had placed the FR with Aquapharm SORB4.until now yet to see any new algae grow.for my yellow goby it is quite lazy n only dredged few mouthful of sands into its mouth and thus did not do much cleaning.but I got a new goby look like a sand goby..although its colour is a bit dull white..but it is superb.a hard working fellow..2 days it takes to clean my sand.now sparkling clean.(bought at am)

few livestock addiction-tomato clown fish.


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Bro, i think camel shrimp is not reef safe.. i am not too sure too but it did finsih up my whole colony of blue mushroom in the previous tank... the shrimp was being banished to my refugium now.. :D

add half a dozen sand stars to your tank leh... they will keep ur sand bed free from algae and diatoms. The best part is they always hide in the sand and not visible most of the time...

Main Tank: 5 x 1 x 1

Return from overflow: Eheim compact+ 5000

Lighting: 2x 54W T5

Skimmer: Deltec SC 1350

Chiller: Arctica 1/10

Wave Maker: Tunze Nano Wavebox & Tunze 6055 with Photocell
Monitor 1: American Marine Pinpoint pH monitor
Monitor 2: American Marine Pinpoint Temperature monitor

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Reefzzz-thanks..but for me.my camel back shrimp is quite good(like that have to monitor it already...hhaha) :thanks: so far.used to have a pair...but the other one....vanished to other world.for the shrimp colony in my tank...my skunk is the headman....

yes...the brittle sand star.dissolve itself under the sand....but i still love my new dredger.....goby...i'll post its pic..when i have time n opportunities. :D

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