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Typing SMS with mobile phone's built-in dictionary


Do u use ur mobile phone's dictionary for SMS?  

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  1. 1. Do u use ur mobile phone's dictionary for SMS?

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  • SRC Member

I just bought my first PDA phone, O2 Stealth.... one of the features i liked about this is that you have the option of using the phone's keypad for SMS-ing... but here's the catch, you can ONLY use eZiText software to type your message... there's no way to turn off the annoying pop-up dictionary of that software... so the feature of having a normal phone keypad is really POINTLESS & USELESS! :angry:

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  • SRC Member

Isn't the sole purpose of the "dictionary" software meant to replace OBSOLETE method of smsing thru normal phone keypad (e.g. press #2 thrice to get a C)? Just learn to accustom urself to the dictionary.

u got such a good phone but u are not utilising its technology to the maximum (either thru dictionary sms-ing / poke the screen with stylus-pen)?

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I don't think it's obsolete. manually entering the word you want that is.

think about it. there must have been times where you've had to manually enter a text, either because the phone does not have the word in the dictionary, or because the word was not retrieved from the dictionary despite your previous attempts at storing it. I can tell you the numerous times I've disabled the predictive text input in my k800i over here just to key in names/suburbs/locations/Aussie words like Uie/Ute/Commodore, just to name a few of the many predicaments I've encountered.

either that, or he/she is just more at ease with using manual text input. (=

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