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Needed advise on clown fish

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Not really much choice, you can't force it into an anomone. Whether to be the host or not it's up to itself. Btw what kind of anemone you bought? Some anemone are not suitable to certain types of clowns. Better to get bubble tip, high chance they will host it.

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Can you post another clearer pic of your clown? Cas yours doesn't looks like normal clown. Looks like sabae clown instead. You can't get another type of clown if you have one clown in your tank. If your current clown is common clown, you can only place common clown and no others (maybe pink skunk can, but confirm with bros), if not your common will be beaten to death. Even the peaceful clarkii clown does not tolerate other clown in the same tank. The anemone is ok, but I'm not very sure if it's long tentacle or bubble tip. No problem with common clown.

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The anemone looks like a long tentacle. Clown fish are very territorial too. Please describe the size of your tank, and also, if you could, (since you are having 2 difference spicies of clown fish), get another anemone.

This is true provided if you are able to determine the reason of your died anemone, and by making sure your tank is big enough to support another anemone. Remember, finding out the key factor of the death reason is the key to better tank.


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