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Hello, newbie here! And help!

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Hello Everyone,

I am a newbie and just set up my tank about 3 weeks ago. The infomation that has been around is most interesting and useful. Thanks to all. Right now I am just letting the system run and let the bacteria 'grow'. The problem I have is that after putting in the rocks I have now noticed that there are a lot of crabs in my tank. They are pretty small, biggest around 2cm but there are lots of them. Probably around 30. Is it harmful to the fishes that I will introduce later and most importantly what is the best way to remove them? I am thinking of taking the rock out and leaving it in fresh water? Good idea? Or reduce the salinity of the tank? But what effect does it have on the good bacteria?

Any advise would be much appreciated. Thanks

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Welcome to the hobby!

Getting crabs crawling around in a new tank with new rocks is a common thing. So dun have to worry too much. IMHO, they are usually too small to do damage to the fishes. However, if you decide to keep corals, then it is best advised to remove them! (kill, crush, flush etc.)

There is a simple and easy way to 'catch' the crabs. No need to take up the rocks. :lol::lol: U got drink brands chicken essence?? Just place a tiny piece of raw prawn meat (I really mean tiny piece, so it won't pollute your tank too much) in the bottle and place it at locations where you suspect a crab lingers. Best to slant the bottle at an angle so the crab can crawl in. Place as many bottles as you like. Leave it over the night. You will be surprised the next morning how many greedy crabs have fallen into the trap!!

Cheers!!! Happy reefing!


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