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Is Pepper Spray illegal in Sg?


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I believe so :)

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  • SRC Member
Can use the pepper cure for ich.... pour inside a spray bottle... viola... Your DIY pepper Spray! Hehe.. :D

Try on your eyes first... I dunno if it works... ;)


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:lol: .. what happens if i go blind? :(

Anyway, thinking of getting them for my grandma and auntie as the crime rate at their place have greatly increased..old womans was beaten up and robbed. So was thinking is there any gadgets thats allowed in SG for self defense..

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  • SRC Member

Crime rate at their place increasing? bro, u might wanna share which place so that we can caution our loved ones also.

Pepper spray is not illegal, but its prohibited in Singapore (thats why you can never find on sale here). But if used by a women for self-defense, there could be an exception ruling for its usage, but either way, the user will still be charged for possession of prohibited items.

What i can say for pepper-spray is that it is still a "close-proximity" self-defense weapon/gadget. Unless ur loved ones glued this gadget to their hands so they can use it under the least response time possible, if not, by the time an assault took place and ended, I dun think they have enuf time to take it out from their handbags to use it on the assailant. The robber would have long ran off (probably with the entire handbag, along with the peppey spray). (worse, the robber got a peppery-spray to use for his/her next assault).

well, maybe taking the gadget out in advance might help though.

A whistle seems to be the best. =) blow as loud as u can...

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No its because my grandma runs a food store. So they have to go out early in the morning like 4am+ . And because the place they staying (Chinatown) is under renovation. And the place is dark and at this kind of timing, i doubt there'll be any passerby to hear the whistle.. so i guess the best will be some gadgets that u can use yourself.

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  • SRC Member

Actually hor, that thought of using ich pepper cure came to my mind much earlier during my ich battling days...

I did something doofus really... I was pouring the cure into my tank and forgot that I had some spilled on my hand... then I rub my forehead loh coz sweat mah... guess what happens next... my eyes was a bit irritated... hhmmpphh... then it crossed my mind if that same solution can be improvised into a pepper spray... hehe...

Didn't dare try though...


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  • SRC Member

if pepper stray is illegal.. then myb u can try asking ur grandma to carry chilli powder..? those "AH-NA" selling @ little india..

damn strong and powderful..


i guranteed that the eyes will go blind for mins, even hours..

no need to test on ur own eyes 1st!


but i doubt the ability of ur granny to be able to react fast enuff to throw the chilli powder fast and accurately @ the baddy!!

myb u can train her on that by throwing @ figure 11??

get her zeroing right 1st?


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  • SRC Member
if pepper stray is illegal.. then myb u can try asking ur grandma to carry chilli powder..? those "AH-NA" selling @ little india..

damn strong and powderful..


i guranteed that the eyes will go blind for mins, even hours..

no need to test on ur own eyes 1st!


but i doubt the ability of ur granny to be able to react fast enuff to throw the chilli powder fast and accurately @ the baddy!!

myb u can train her on that by throwing @ figure 11??

get her zeroing right 1st?


Eh, if she's so fast, then i wont need to get SPRAY liao right? And ya, dont joke around with people's grandma u think its funny?

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  • SRC Member

I think its best to check with the neighbourhood police post and see what their advise is. I know there are hand carried alarms that are super loud and not easy to switch off once u pull the pin.

I believe the police can tell you what are the available legal gadgets for personal protections.

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