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Fishes, crab, snail, shrimp for sale (Cheap)


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I am giving up some of my marine fishes to make way for new fishes.

Find that i have too much of them.

1) Tassle Filefish..............2cm to 4cm

2) Teira Batfish...............1cm to 8cm

3) Striped Blenny............1.5cm to 4cm

4) Leather Jacket Fish......1cm to 4cm

5) Sergent Fish...............6 cm to 10 cm

6) Wrasse......................6cm to 10cm

7) Green Scat................1cm to 5cm

8) Snapping Shrimp........2cm to 4cm

9) Snail (various type)....1cm to 3cm

10) Crab (various Type)..1cm to 3cm

You can sms me at 81949872

Name me a price if you are interested.

Sorry i don have their picture at this time.

Thank you.

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tks a lot for your kind advise.

No wonder my water always turn green after 2 days.

and i need to change then every 3 days.

Used to give away my fish to friends till they don want to take my calls.

I always keep new fishes. I always have new fishes send to me by my uncle.

hahaha. he donno wat to give me so always give me fish

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I do have a filter, but it might be bcoz i got a few of these pig and some other fish.

My filter always need to be wash every 2 days. mine is the normal overhead filter.

anyway i aleways got to the beach so i always keep with me a lot of sea water at home. currently i got about 100 ltr of seawater at home. :)

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I am willing to let go of these pets at the following price.

I stay at tampines. All are welcome to visit.

Give me a call before you come.

Call me at my hp 81949872

quote sg reef club when you call. so i know you saw my ad.

1) Tassle Filefish..............2cm to 4cm.............$5 to $15

2) Teira Batfish...............1cm to 8cm..............$3 to $15

3) Striped Blenny............1.5cm to 4cm...........$2 to $8

4) Leather Jacket Fish......1cm to 4cm.............$2 to $8

5) Sergeant Fish...............6 cm to 10 cm..........$5

6) Wrasse......................6cm to 10cm............$5

7) Green Scat................1cm to 5cm..............$0.50 to $5

8) Snapping Shrimp........2cm to 4cm.............$2 to $5

9) Snail (various type)....1cm to 3cm.............$5 each or $20 for 10

10) Crab (various Type)..1cm to 3cm.............$5 each or $20 for 10

All price are negotiable.

tks and best regards.

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I am willing to let go of these pets at the following price.

I stay at tampines. All are welcome to visit.

Give me a call before you come.

Call me at my hp 81949872

quote sg reef club when you call. so i know you saw my ad.

1) Tassle Filefish..............2cm to 4cm.............$5 to $15

2) Teira Batfish...............1cm to 8cm..............$3 to $15

3) Striped Blenny............1.5cm to 4cm...........$2 to $8 SOLD

4) Leather Jacket Fish......1cm to 4cm.............$2 to $8

5) Sergeant Fish...............6 cm to 10 cm..........$5 SOLD

6) Wrasse......................6cm to 10cm............$5 SOLD

7) Green Scat................1cm to 5cm..............$0.50 to $5 SOLD

8) Snapping Shrimp........2cm to 4cm.............$2 to $5

9) Snail (various type)....1cm to 3cm.............$5 each or $20 for 10

10) Crab (various Type)..1cm to 3cm.............$5 each or $20 for 10

All price are negotiable.

tks and best regards.


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  • SRC Member
tks a lot for your kind advise.

No wonder my water always turn green after 2 days.

and i need to change then every 3 days.

Used to give away my fish to friends till they don want to take my calls.

I always keep new fishes. I always have new fishes send to me by my uncle.

hahaha. he donno wat to give me so always give me fish

ya agree with bro max and i don't think this is true is it?how can you sell things you catch from the beach and then selling them here.


clowny lover

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Please stop combing the beach for live stock & selling them here.

Its not legal ....

I'm a beach comber myself so I reconise lots of the stuff in the pics.

Hope that the MOD will step in.

Without prejudice,


I am sorry that you feel so affected by what i am sell.

First i have kept them as pets for quite some time.

Yes they do come from the beaches.

But No I do not purposely catch and sell them for profit.

To be very honest, I recently lost my job and currently i am unable to keep them anymore :(

I am sad to let them go :cry: but as i am unable to keep them anymore.........

My mum is nagging at mi to get rid of them.

I thought of releasing them back into the wild but not sure if they could survive after so long in my tank.

That is why i decided to sell them.

I know i could put them up for adoption, but people will take better care of pet that they pay rather than those that they get for free.

those that i gave my friend died. :cry:

Second reason that i am selling them is so that i got some cash to buy food for the rest. I do not want to starve them.

I love animals from the sea and would not think of catching them and selling them off to earn a profit.

From my ad you can see that i put green scat as sold rather than catching more and putting them up for sale.

I still got some other type of fishes as pet but i do not want to sell them off if i could get a job soon.

But .............

Hope everyone can understand my frustration and helplessness.

Again sorry for making you upset.

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