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Keeping/Collecting Tube WormS

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Hey pple~

I feel like keeping a tank full of tubeworms of different colours and sizes.

I am sure the tank will look nice rite?? :blink: Then will be very much different from other tanks.. keke.. So if u all know where sell different types of tubeworms pls let me know~~ Or if any of you would be giving away ur tubeworms please let me know hor~~ :D heehee..

Why not consider christmas tree worms as well.....

It will look nice too.

LCK110 still have some.

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  • SRC Member

Unless u drive or have a cabbie who is patient enoff to wait while u go "LFS"ing, u can never go LCK 110...

Sori but can't help rubbing this in... LCK110 very new my workplace!!! haha... lunch time, one hour enoff liao.. :P

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  • SRC Member


I bought a normal tube worm about a week ago. Has not come out ever since I put it in my tank. Is it dead? Picked it up and smelled it but no foul smell. I have another one which opens everyday. Tempted to peel the casing to see if the worm inside is still alive. Can or not?


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