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mushroom environment

scooter blenny

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  • SRC Member

that's too general a question scooter....

maybe as a general guideline, with basic parameters being in the ideal range (PH, NO3, temp etc etc etc etc),

mushroom can do lesser with:

1) lighting (you gotta at least tell us the dimension of your tank)

2) Ca (provided you dun have other Ca demanding corals)

3) Alk can be in the lower range (again, see what other corals you have)

4) feeding (in fact, dun really need to feed them)

basically, that's all i can think of unless you give more specific questions


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  • SRC Member

actually, i'm not sure either. new to mushroom. i only got buttons and a frag of mushroom. wanted to keep mushroom only..... so need some knowledge, if not all....... ;)

i understand that some corals need higher PH or KH etc..... so i'm quite blur...

search the net, but most just display the picture.... with some description but nothing about its environment.......

please advise

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