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Question to Queen Angel owners

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I would assume that all you Queen Angel owners also have other Angels. I am considering getting a Queen but the trouble is that I have three other large Angels viz A Blueface, an Emperor and an Asfur, and the Queen I have in mind is smaller than the other Angels. Because it's such a large investment, I want to find out from you guys if you have any problems with aggression. To my mind, since the genus Holocanthus is different from the Pomacanthus and that the Queen is found in the Atlantic whilst the others are found in the IndoPacific/Red Sea, they would not encounter each other in the wild, and hence would not display the same kind of aggression as they would with another Angel. Is there any truth in this?

Would appreciate your input on this. Thanks.

My tank size is 5' by2.5' by 2.5'

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it depend on how you introduce them and rock scrapping. And space too.

i have 2 queen, 2 french 2 king, not fighting, but i also have some luck with it.



One of my favourite fish only.

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My Blueface is about 7 in, Emperor about 5.5 in and Asfur about 4.5 in. The Queen I have in mind is about 4 in. As you can see, the Queen would be a midget among gaints, and if she is being picked on and harassed and even injured, then chances of survival are slim. As you can see, I have introduced new Angels before, but the Queen is quite ex, and being the smallest of the lot, I guess I have to be more careful, and hence need to learn from your experiences.

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It looks pretty healthy and is feeding. As you said, I would have no qualms about introducing the fish if the Queen is larger than the rest. But as it is , this one is pretty small. By the way, how do you guys rate the survivability of Queens - is it easy to keep? Some LFS claim that it is tougher than the local Angels to keep alive although based on the books I read, it is suppose to be quite easy to keep. But then these books are written by Americans and the Queen is local to them, and they do not suffer transport stress and all that, unlike the Queens that are imported here.

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