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Like to open this thread for all beginners like me who wish to know from reefer very own experience. For me, think is

a) Yellow Tang

B) Naso Tang

as these 2 are still alive with me !! (3 month old tank)

Tried the Blue Tang, then difficult in my opinion.

Side track - coral beauty another difficult one.

What about you.

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Like to open this thread for all beginners like me who wish to know from reefer very own experience. For me, think is

a) Yellow Tang

B) Naso Tang

as these 2 are still alive with me !! (3 month old tank)

Tried the Blue Tang, then difficult in my opinion.

Side track - coral beauty another difficult one.

What about you.

Hey the 2 you mention in fact are rather easy to keep.......... ok here goes my infor on what tang are relatively easy to keep and their requirement. :lol::lol::lol: (note:it may not apply to every single tang of the same kind but at least the characteristic are like that for the majority).

1)achilles tang- very difficult to keep and very prone to ich. Advisable only to the more experience.They are very fierce once acclimitize and need aerated water. May need some time before start eating.

2)sohal tang-rather hardy but prone to lateral erosion disease. Very fierce and will try to kill new inhabitant but leave old ones alone. Need time to coax it to eat and once acclimitize will do fine. Need a tank of 5 feet and above due to its swimming habits.

3)chocolate tang-rather hardy and quite docile. Grow to ard 19cm and need tank of ard 4feet and feed on algae and vegetable stuff.(maybe AT would like to input some info here

4)powder blue tang-aggressive once acclimitize. Rather sensitive to water condition and hard to acclimitize, very prone to ich.Relatively easy to get it to feed and my method to get it to eat is brine shrimp soak with kent garlic extreme. Need tank ard 4feet due to the fact that it love to lap ard the tank. Advisable for tank with good water condition.

5)powder black tang-Rather aggressive and have poor survival record. keep water condition good in order for this fish to thrive. Rather prone to ich.

6)Powder brown tang-Easier to keep compare to PBT or even PblackT. Rather fierce and keep only in well aerated water with good water condition.

7)Yellow tang- rather hardy but somewhat prone to ich. Easy to get it to feed on brine shrimp and suitable for beginner but no matter what keep water condition good.Might be fierce to zebrosoma species of tang.

8)Regal tang-rather hardy but very prone to ich. Easy to get it to feed but it needs a big tank as it grow to quite a huge size of ard 25cm.Relatively docile.

9)Scopas tang-very hardy and easy to get it to feed.Fierce towards tang of same species(zebrasoma).

10)Naso literatus- very hardy and tough. Adult will develop streamer at its tail fin. Although hardy, this guy need very big tank ard 5feet. This fish is rather docile.

11)Naso vlamingi-Very tough and hardy but need a very big tank. Grow to ard 1/1/2 to 2 feet. Adult male will develop a nose like hump on its forehead and streamer at their tail fin. Eat like pig.Rather docile

12)Naso bevirostris-Hardy but grow into a huge and i mean huge fish. Adult will develop a long horn on its fore head. Easy to get them to eat.(maybe deepblue want to input somemore info)

13)Naso unicornis-Hardy but need a very big tank. very develop a horn on its fore head but shorter than those of naso bevirostris.

14)purple tang-Fierce towards new inhabitant especially zebrasoma species. Easy to get them to feed, my uncle's purple tang love hair algae. Rather hardy.

Note:many of this infor are gather from the net while some are from my personnel experience, type out this info so that more ppl can know about tangs and also due to the recent tang craze.

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bro...good info...thanks for sharing....

I fund my sohal extremely picky....it lost a lot of weight in the beginning...I thought it was infected with internal parasites...

luckily...now I realised it just refuse to makan..but will eat nori, brine shrimp, meaty stuff but not pellets...sigh.....

the greatest thing abt this guy..I can handfeed him shrimps now...totally comfortable with the human octopus(hand) moving in the tank every now and then..... :lol:

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bro...good info...thanks for sharing....

I fund my sohal extremely picky....it lost a lot of weight in the beginning...I thought it was infected with internal parasites...

luckily...now I realised it just refuse to makan..but will eat nori, brine shrimp, meaty stuff but not pellets...sigh.....

the greatest thing abt this guy..I can handfeed him shrimps now...totally comfortable with the human octopus(hand) moving in the tank every now and then..... :lol:

Watch out for sohal's scaple, they are suspected by people to be slightly poisonous, even if they are not poisonous, their scaple are rather big for tangs... :lol::lol::lol:

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how abt angel...any expert??

Definately not expert but used to keep FOWLR tank thus i can help you in some angel's infor.......

1)Emperor angel- adult emperor can be rather territorial and no two adult angel should be kept together unless you want death. Need a big tank with lots of rocks for hiding, shy fish at first but once it is acclimitize, it will start eating greedily. Moderately dfifficult top keep as its skin is prone to infection and also commonly attack by ich.

2)Majestic angel-similar to emperor, majestic can be rather territorial. This angel will go into hiding for few days when added to the tank but once it come out to feed, it will be like a pig.

3)Blue faced angel- more delicate compare to emperor or even majestic but do better when small. Nice fish with fierce attitude, mine used to attack my damsel. When added to tank, this fish sometime may go in the state or shock darting ard crazly. Once again big tank is needed.

4)Passer angel- rather hardy for angels and easy to get them to feed. Mine uncle's passer has been in his tank for already 9 months and btw they need big tank because they grow to a large size.They are aggressive and territorial and not really safe with brains.

5)Rock beauty angel- this fish is very delicate and hard to keep. Should be left to the more experience. They need very aerated water and keep water condition good.

6)maculosus angel-very hardy but they are rather shy. When added to tank, it may hide for few days then come out to eat. This angel are big when adult and i mean big thus a tank of at least 5feet is needed.

7)asfur angel- requirement same with maculosus but they are not that hardy compared to maculosus angel.

8)flame angel- hardy and getting them to feed it rather easy. They may nip brain or even clam mantle so care must be taken.

9)regal angel- very hard to keep and difficult to get them to eat. Water condition must definatley be good. And red sea specimen are much nicer compare to those indo pacific ones.(x-japan kept one for very long time, maybe you might want to ask him for those who wish to own this beautiful angel)

10)coral beauty- hardy but need to have good water condition. They may however nip at clam mantle or brain coral.

11)bi- color angel-delicate fish and hard to get them to eat. Water condition must be good and they might nip clam mantle or even brain coral.

Once again most of this info are from net and some are from my experience. Different people may experience different kind of characteristic even though they maybe the same species. IMO if you want to keep coral, try not to have angel even though some ppl say that their angel have success with corals.

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Tangs differ from owner to owner in a reef or a fish only tank ;) Some behave differently and except food in their own time and pace. So retalively speaking , there isn't a fixed rule to each and every tang kept by us. :D

Yup thats why i say behavior are different even for same species of tang

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Talked to John last Sunday.... if you are adding the four in the family, add sailfin first, becoz the next 3 in line not so fun to mess ard: Yellow tang, Purple tang and Long Nose Black Tang :lol:

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Talked to John last Sunday.... if you are adding the four in the family, add sailfin first, becoz the next 3 in line not so fun to mess ard: Yellow tang, Purple tang and Long Nose Black Tang :lol:

eh actually i feel that acanturus species of tang are much fiercer...... start with powder black,powder brown, powder blue/achilles, sohal

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I was refering the four that is in the same genus.... :lol:

Dispar..if you are in RC...that's it...the Tang Polis come after U for suggesting so many tangs... :lol:

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  • SRC Member

tnks for all those who shared, amaze by all the expert.

Can ask actually if coral beauty easy to keep, for me it seems this one damn difficult. Tried 2 oredy, first one last one week, 2nd one only 4 days, while all the rest of the fish are OK, including YT. Water parameters are all fine, dun understand why, but most pp I spoke or ask, said is easy to keep CB.


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  • SRC Member
tnks for all those who shared, amaze by all the expert.

Can ask actually if coral beauty easy to keep, for me it seems this one damn difficult. Tried 2 oredy, first one last one week, 2nd one only 4 days, while all the rest of the fish are OK, including YT. Water parameters are all fine, dun understand why, but most pp I spoke or ask, said is easy to keep CB.


this particular one , is a bit difficult and refuse to feed on anything else except sponges and coral poplyps from time to time. :D Their feeding habits vary just like the Moorish Idol. ;)

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Any review on butterflyfish?  :D

My personal encounters:

Bannerfish - Tried more than 5 times, finally succeeded. Easy to feed (eats anything), but sensitive to water condition. Once stop eating, it 'geow' the next 1 or 2 day. The last one bought from China town, think their fish has the highest survivor rate. What do you think?

Copperband - Its difficult to start eating. Success on second attempt, feeling lucky. Do not eat pellet/flake food. Only take frozen brine shrimps & mysis.

Falcula - Starts eating readily. Sensitive to water condition. Mine died after 3 weeks. Will try again.

Longnose - Tried 3 times, never success. All 'geow' less than 1 week. Very sensitive and picky on food.

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The Sailfins (both Veliferum and Desjardinii) are the tops as far as hardiness is concerned... and they are also the most docile (or rather least pugnacious) of the Zebrasomas...

NEVER make a yellow or purple tang the first inhabitant of your tank... adding ANY other fish later will pose a problem. It doesnt even need to be a tang, or be of the same colour, or size... the idiotic tangs will still whack the shit out of newcomers...

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CB that difficult, no wonder I failed twice.

Thinking of keeping the purple tang, wimplefish and sailfin next.

Good idea or not. But need to upgrade tank once they are bigger, maybe to a 5footer in a few month time.

Get a copper band butterfly only at lfs which you have start to see it eating, IMo go SL thier CB are quite healthy

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