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Xbox for sale . Hard modded with EVO X and XBMC


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  • SRC Member

Hardware modded xbox . comes with xbox media center pimped edition . an mamebox emulator with over 40 arcade games ( metal slug , 1941 , super sidekicks etc ) in the harddisc . 2 controllers .

Everything is black colour .

Games includedare

Dreamfall : the longest journey ( inside harddisk )

Matrix path of neo

Evil dead regeneration

Xmen legends 1 and 2

Tony hawk 4 i think


ninja gaiden black

capcom fighting evolution ( inside harddisk )

According to the person i bought it from , comes with xbox media center :

# view region-free DVD with standard controller; no need to buy a Dvd playback kit

# view AVI, DivX, XviD, WMV, RMVB, MOV, VCD, MPEG-1/2/4 and most types of videos

# hear Audio-CD, MP3, WMA, AAC, OGG, RM and most types of audios

# view your photo collections on the big screen with slideshow effects

# autoplays all games such as other region games before local versions are released

# play your backups to save the original game media from wear & tear

# play from harddisk for speed

# play games from classic arcades and consoles

# surf the web on the TV

# browse movie info, see latest movies/game trailers, internet-videos etc

# listen to hundreds of Web-Radios/Shoutcasts on the net

# hassle free - no buttons to press, autoplays any disc you load

Bought it for only 4 months . Selling as never played in the last 3 months . NS sux . Selling $220

If anyone remembers , yes this is the second xbox im selling , not hte same one . i bought a new one because of dreamfall and ninja gaiden and now i need to buy a ps2 because of FF12 .

get me at 90041042 thanks . Delivery can be provided if u stay near me or you are a hot ah lian .

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  • SRC Member

whos the guy who reserve it suppose to meet u friday night . Due to unforseen circumstances i couldnt make it . And yest i pick up my phone no reception . pls call me again regarding this thing as i use diff phone for camp and outside . camp phone is in camp . i dont have ur no.

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