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Yellow tang swimming head downwards


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Hi, did any 1 experience yellow tang swimming head down and it seems like it can't control it directions. The tang together with another purple tang are in my quarantine tank towards the end of the hyposalinity stage (4th week) and this thing happened. But the purple tang is alrite. Is it a kind of disease such as bloated belly or dropsy? Should I bring the salinity up to normal? Can any 1 advise? Help!!!

Main Tank: 3 by 2 by 2.5 ft

Sump: 30 by 16 by 16 inch

Return: Sicce 5000

Wavemaker: Vortech Mp40wES

Lighting: 2 X Maxspect Mazzara, 1 ATI True Actinic, 1 ATI BluePlus

Skimmer: Deltec APF 600

CR: Deltec PF 501

Filtration: Carbon FR, Phosphate FR

Chiller: Hailea 300A

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To further add on, the tang is swimming overhead turning just like a merry-go-round as if it can't control it's motion. Please help.

Main Tank: 3 by 2 by 2.5 ft

Sump: 30 by 16 by 16 inch

Return: Sicce 5000

Wavemaker: Vortech Mp40wES

Lighting: 2 X Maxspect Mazzara, 1 ATI True Actinic, 1 ATI BluePlus

Skimmer: Deltec APF 600

CR: Deltec PF 501

Filtration: Carbon FR, Phosphate FR

Chiller: Hailea 300A

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  • SRC Member

hihi bryan... frm the symtoms that u hv described, i reckon yr yellow tang hv air bladder prob... i hv encountered it with anthias b4... sometimes when fishes are collected frm deep areas, their air bladder will swell up. The collectors will usually puncture their air bladders with a needle... sometimes u can still see the injury ard the air bladder area... i dont really know of cure; i just keep the fish in my sump n try n get them acclimatised and feeding but they didnt live for long- within a week or so only gonzo.

Main Tank : 48 inch by 36 inch by 28 inch (2 sides starphire glass)
Sump Tank :
Return Pump :
Chiller : Starmax Compressor 1 HP Drop coil
Chiller Return Pump
Protein Skimmer :
Wave Maker :
Fluidised Reactor :

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hihi bryan... frm the symtoms that u hv described, i reckon yr yellow tang hv air bladder prob... i hv encountered it with anthias b4... sometimes when fishes are collected frm deep areas, their air bladder will swell up. The collectors will usually puncture their air bladders with a needle... sometimes u can still see the injury ard the air bladder area... i dont really know of cure; i just keep the fish in my sump n try n get them acclimatised and feeding but they didnt live for long- within a week or so only gonzo.

Hi Dazza, but it have been in my quarantine tank for 1 month plus. Disease should have appear until this time rite?

Main Tank: 3 by 2 by 2.5 ft

Sump: 30 by 16 by 16 inch

Return: Sicce 5000

Wavemaker: Vortech Mp40wES

Lighting: 2 X Maxspect Mazzara, 1 ATI True Actinic, 1 ATI BluePlus

Skimmer: Deltec APF 600

CR: Deltec PF 501

Filtration: Carbon FR, Phosphate FR

Chiller: Hailea 300A

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