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clown fish (false perc)

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HI, i just got a pair of false percular clown. THe main problem is that both of them dug a small hloe in my sand bed and even if the lights are on they will still rest there only when i feed them. There is no injury to the body . They are still perfactly fine except they just keep staying there .What is the problem with them?

If anyone knows what happen please contribute . :thanks:


EDWAN :thanks:

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temp about 26-27deg most ideal for anemones. all water parameters must be very ideal for anemone to thrive and you may like to check out anemone fishes (include clowns, damsels, etc) and some crabs loves anemones.

i'll leave it to the more experienced to contribute.....

...what are u missing from your life?... dun wait till your last breathe before telling them that you care

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  • SRC Member
HI, i just got a pair of false percular clown. THe main problem is that both of them dug a small hloe in my sand bed and even if the lights are on they will still rest there only when i feed them. There is no injury to the body . They are still perfactly fine except they just keep staying there .What is the problem with them?

If anyone knows what happen please contribute . :thanks:


EDWAN :thanks:

Hi there

My clowns - very active & naughty (chase each other around). Dun stay on the sandbed unless they R sleeping at night. They dun dig either, always swimming around. Dun know why yr clowns do that leh. Do they have white spots? Is it U have high nitrates/nitrites? MayB they R sickly/not very healthy specimens ... How long U had them oredi?

Actually dun know how 2 diagnose leh, mayB can wait 4 the experts 2 give their opinions. Sorry can't B much of help.

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  • SRC Member

MayB they R stressed out ... coz just got introduced 2 yr tank (then let them settle down 1st, give it a few days)? Got bullied by other tank mates (esp by other clowns or damsels)? Or could B the water quality not optimal?

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temp about 26-27deg most ideal for anemones. all water parameters must be very ideal for anemone to thrive and you may like to check out anemone fishes (include clowns, damsels, etc) and some crabs loves anemones.

i'll leave it to the more experienced to contribute.....

Yes anemone need very good water condition to thrive in. They also require very strong lighting(t5s or MH) to thrive or else :sick::sick::sick: Btw anemone move ard alot thus they may sting other coral with their stinging tentacle, IMo don't keep anemone.

BTW I am not the experienced few but thats my 2cents

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