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FOWLR= more fishes??=wars??=fights??


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wat types of fishes most of u r keepin for FOWLR?

FOWLR r mean to keep more fishes than a tank wif corals....

but i find it difficult to keep many,different types of fishes le...

there will be fighting..... aggressive fish stressin other fishes.... wars....deaths...

can anyone giv mi answer to it... and oso advise mi wat type of fishes r u guys keepin for FOWLR...wats the best to keep for FOWLR... thanks thanks

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  • SRC Member

haha well i got 3 dawrf angels .. 2 tangs .. and lots more smaller fishes .. but i think the most important is getting healthy eating speciments of fishes. and if u can introduce them in order of increasing size. this will reduce chances of fights breaking out .. or fish dying because they dont know wat to eat ..

hope this helps

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i have gt 2 brown tang 1 naso 1 maroon 1 dragon wrasse 2 koran 3 trigger so far nv see them fight except for the bigger koran bully the small one .. try to get fish the equal size so thy share the equal pellet for mine the koran mouth is too big for the tiny pellet hav to mix it with medium pellet

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  • SRC Member

fowlr DOES NOT mean keeping more fish that what a reef tank could keep. true you can keep more fish as you dont really need to have good parameter, but not to the extent of overstock. anyway, put in more rocks will make the fishes less aggresive. if possible keep each type of fish just 1(with the exception of those that is living in community) and there should be much aggression

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as for me i got 1 pt,1 yt,1 naso,1 sft,2 tomini,1 yellow eye n 1 orange shoulder they seems fine got abit of chasing ard but only for few seconds.....n itz true wat bro w3ish3ng say putting more rocks make them less aggressive coz they can hide for cover......

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I got 1PT, 1BT, 1yellow angel, 1 flagfin angel, 1 koran angel, 1 dottyback, 1 damsel and 1 mandarin and 2cleaner shrimp. They are all fine. I think the trick for me is to quarantine the new fish in a beta box on the maintank for at least 2weeks, so that the other fish get used to the newcomer and also at the same time the newcomer can have exclusive access to the food and get used to food that i feed.

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  • SRC Member
I got 1PT, 1BT, 1yellow angel, 1 flagfin angel, 1 koran angel, 1 dottyback, 1 damsel and 1 mandarin and 2cleaner shrimp. They are all fine. I think the trick for me is to quarantine the new fish in a beta box on the maintank for at least 2weeks, so that the other fish get used to the newcomer and also at the same time the newcomer can have exclusive access to the food and get used to food that i feed.

Thats true!.....I try when I introduce my YT to my existing 5 tangs....including PT & Sailfin......it fight for the first day and now.....peaceful....friends forever.... :P

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think i dun wan to hav a FOWLR community fishes tank.. as mine is only a 2ft...guess to prevent war to occur is veri difficult.

maybe goin for a "single type" tank....such as .. a chromis only tank? or maybe a pair of maroon clown only tank.

any recomandation ?

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  • SRC Member
think i dun wan to hav a FOWLR community fishes tank.. as mine is only a 2ft...guess to prevent war to occur is veri difficult.

maybe goin for a "single type" tank....such as .. a chromis only tank? or maybe a pair of maroon clown only tank.

any recomandation ?

Brother....2 ft no fun.....as you cant add fishes.....unless....gobies!.....cute little fishes!....and mini shrimps too!....eg. ###### shrimps! :rolleyes:

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  • SRC Member
So............ for a 4ft tank, roughly what's the max no. of fish that can be kept?? As a rule of thumb?

haha that really depends i think .. if u are keeping small little fishes like chromis and similiar size fishes... u can keep more where as if u are planning to keep show size large fishes like angels then u can keep less fishes as compared :lol:

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not really bro... they r all doin fine n gettin fat. :P been wit me more then 2 month now... tryin to post it here but hav some problem. :unsure:

wonder if any bro willin to help. come my place, take photo n post it here... :P:P:P hehehe

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Does your Angels include any large Angels or are they all pygmy Angels? 3 feet is certainly undersized even if you have just 1 or 2 large Angels. For the latter, anything under 150 g is not recommended, unless of course you intend that this is shortterm, and that you will be upgrading to a larger tank once they get bigger.

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  • SRC Member

QUOTE Bali Brain

[ unless of course you intend that this is shortterm, and that you will be upgrading to a larger tank once they get bigger. ]

intend to upgrade to 5 ft but my mum don allow. so wil sell off e fish once it get too big for my tank lor... :(

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Now that's not cool, man. The Angels will be very impressive when they get to a fair size, which is an achievement in itself as many people can testify that the larger sized Angels find it difficult to adapt in captivity, and very often perish. It will be a shame if you have to sell them. Work on your mother - maybe she'll change her mind and relent.

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wel thers nothin i can do. she die2 don allow. so ive kinda no choice. if i don sel it when they grow big then i wil hav problem. then all e fish wil fight n wil eventully die one by one i guess. but watever it is, im happy wit wat im lookin now... n my fish r happy too... :lol:

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