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Questions about Chiller


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  • SRC Member

Hi brothers,

I have some questions about chiller. Will need some advices. Thanks in advance! :lol:

1) I checked the prices for Resun and Teco chillers and found that the prices for Teco is way high for Resun.

Is there a reason for that? Resun is cheap, does it mean not reliable?

2) I read some chiller that specify 1/4HP, 1/6HP, etc. What does the HP stand for? Anyone can explain to me?

3) What type of maintenance is required of chiller? What do you need to do and how often?

Thank you so much! :thanks:

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  • SRC Member
Hi brothers,

I have some questions about chiller. Will need some advices. Thanks in advance! :lol:

1) I checked the prices for Resun and Teco chillers and found that the prices for Teco is way high for Resun.

Is there a reason for that? Resun is cheap, does it mean not reliable?

2) I read some chiller that specify 1/4HP, 1/6HP, etc. What does the HP stand for? Anyone can explain to me?

3) What type of maintenance is required of chiller? What do you need to do and how often?

Thank you so much! :thanks:

here are the ans to ur qns.. :D

1) Teco chillers comes with warranty and the performance is terms of noise level is better den resun....u can hear the chiller running when kicked in by resun. Teco uses titanium coil but resun is using titanium coated coil correct me if im wrong on this. ;)

2) HP means horse power....the bigger the horse power the more cooling power ur chiller has...get a oversize chiller for ur tank IMO...so that the chiller will not work so hard n the electrical bills will be high if the chiller kicks in for a super long period.

3) There is a black netting on the chiller, vacuum the dirt away once in every 2wks if not it will clogged up and the chiller will get overheated...other services such as top up gas n etc are done once in awhile to prevent sudden breakdown n it may cause ur reef to crash within 2hrs?...

hope this helps... :rolleyes:

view my 2ft tank thread update here!!


Tank Dimension: 24'x15'x19' with black silicon. All round 8mm.


Return Pump : Hailea HX6540

Skimmer/Chiller : Sicce 2500lph

Skimmer : Weipro 2011

Lightings: 4xT5s HO..2 20,000k & 2 Blue Pro(Aquaz) Retrofits

Chiller : Resun CL280

Auto Water Top Up

Life Stock:

More then 35kg of figi rocks

Blue Tang, Powder Blue Tang, Bristletooth tang, Clown Tang, Yellow Tang, Purple Tang, Flame Angel, Six Line Wrasse, Sunrise Dottyback. 2 Cleaner Shrimp

Green Bubble, Orange Yuma, Hammer, True Octopus, Acans,

Frogspawn, Green/Orange Cyannaria, Red Prata, Red Open Brain, Star Polyp, Acan Enchinata

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  • SRC Member
3) There is a black netting on the chiller, vacuum the dirt away once in every 2wks if not it will clogged up and the chiller will get overheated...other services such as top up gas n etc are done once in awhile to prevent sudden breakdown n it may cause ur reef to crash within 2hrs?...

bro is it true that chiller need to top up gas? cause derrick told me before that if a chiller need to top up gas means it's already leaking.. if need to top up gas how long need to top up once? and the cost? :thanks:

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  • SRC Member

here are the ans to ur qns.. :D

1) Teco chillers comes with warranty and the performance is terms of noise level is better den resun....u can hear the chiller running when kicked in by resun. Teco uses titanium coil but resun is using titanium coated coil correct me if im wrong on this. ;)

2) HP means horse power....the bigger the horse power the more cooling power ur chiller has...get a oversize chiller for ur tank IMO...so that the chiller will not work so hard n the electrical bills will be high if the chiller kicks in for a super long period.

3) There is a black netting on the chiller, vacuum the dirt away once in every 2wks if not it will clogged up and the chiller will get overheated...other services such as top up gas n etc are done once in awhile to prevent sudden breakdown n it may cause ur reef to crash within 2hrs?...

hope this helps... :rolleyes:

1) Teco is generally more reliable as it is an italian brand. Resun is from china therefore lower manpower, materials cost thus much cheaper. However Resun do come with 1 yr on-site warranty nowadays and their titanium coil is real solid Ti. I also heard that CL650 now comes with a two-speed fan that runs quieter and last longer. This is similiar to Teco's fan

2) 1HP = 746 Watts This is the spec of the compressor used, indicating the power of the chiller, (eg. 1.6Litre engine and 3Litre engine). Similiar to cars the load on larger chillers are lesser thus last longer generally.

3) Cleaning of the black netting is the only maintenance. Leakage of gas is a definate in all compressors, just how much. Similiar to the air in a ballon, the gas escapes through micro-holes in the compressed system. It can take from approx 1-10 years, it really depends. In most cases, leakage can be mended and recharged. The first to fail is usually the fan or temp probe, followed by the total failure of the compressor.

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  • 2 weeks later...

could anyone provide an estimate cost of a Resun CL650 and its similar rivals?

6ft x 2ft x 3ft

Suggestions so far.

1. Remove coral chips and ceramic rings and replace with live rocks. removed...looking for live rocks now

2. get rid of most of the filter cloth

3. First Buy!!! Skimz FR with Sorb4 and eheim pump

4. Re-doing the sump.....I~aquatic doing up the plans.

5. Lighting MH+T5 or T5 only? how many?

6. Chiller?

7. Wave maker

8. check valve on the return line to prevent sump overflow (great idea)

9. Refugium? Anything to replace it? a FR of some sort maybe?

Tank Inhabitants

1x Blue Tang

1x picasso trigger

2x Brown Tang

1x pygmy angel

2x Stripped Damselfish

3x False Percula Clownfish

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Is the Resun CL650 enough to chill a 6 footer? wats a slightly better alternative? without much difference in price....thanks

6ft x 2ft x 3ft

Suggestions so far.

1. Remove coral chips and ceramic rings and replace with live rocks. removed...looking for live rocks now

2. get rid of most of the filter cloth

3. First Buy!!! Skimz FR with Sorb4 and eheim pump

4. Re-doing the sump.....I~aquatic doing up the plans.

5. Lighting MH+T5 or T5 only? how many?

6. Chiller?

7. Wave maker

8. check valve on the return line to prevent sump overflow (great idea)

9. Refugium? Anything to replace it? a FR of some sort maybe?

Tank Inhabitants

1x Blue Tang

1x picasso trigger

2x Brown Tang

1x pygmy angel

2x Stripped Damselfish

3x False Percula Clownfish

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How much is a 1hp Resun in Singapore? anyone? What about prices of 1hp alternative brands like Hailea and Teco? Not from singapore but thinking of getting one from there....

Wats the most effective way if setting up the chiller? A pump from the sump to the chiller and the outlet of the chiller back to the sump?

6ft x 2ft x 3ft

Suggestions so far.

1. Remove coral chips and ceramic rings and replace with live rocks. removed...looking for live rocks now

2. get rid of most of the filter cloth

3. First Buy!!! Skimz FR with Sorb4 and eheim pump

4. Re-doing the sump.....I~aquatic doing up the plans.

5. Lighting MH+T5 or T5 only? how many?

6. Chiller?

7. Wave maker

8. check valve on the return line to prevent sump overflow (great idea)

9. Refugium? Anything to replace it? a FR of some sort maybe?

Tank Inhabitants

1x Blue Tang

1x picasso trigger

2x Brown Tang

1x pygmy angel

2x Stripped Damselfish

3x False Percula Clownfish

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here are the ans to ur qns.. :D

1) Teco chillers comes with warranty and the performance is terms of noise level is better den resun....u can hear the chiller running when kicked in by resun. Teco uses titanium coil but resun is using titanium coated coil correct me if im wrong on this. ;)

When u compare Teco and Resun, its true that Teco performs better, but for that 10-20% better performance translate to triple amt in cost, then it does not make sense.

There is quite a number of resun user nowadays, the number speaks for itself. Infact there is more Resun user than Teco.

If really want to buy Teco, might as well by Artica by topping up a little more.

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