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  • SRC Member

Er...would suggest that u avoid jellyfish unless u are an expert already. Made the mistake of getting jellyfish before. Died after a week from either getting stuck in the water pump, pecked by fishes or stuck in some rocks. Havent seen any LFS selling jelly fish for a long while already.

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I think that would be better. But careful of them either getting stuck in the pump or blown away. They used to sell these blue coloured jelly fishes but not anymore.

my main idea is to get jelly fishes... but I wonder what else can i put in the tank with it... also wondering where I can get a tall tank.... dont intend to custom make it

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  • SRC Member

Jellyfish should only be attempted by experts. They require round tanks with strong circulation without any dead areas where they can get trapped or worse, sucked up. It is also hard to meet their feeding requirements.

More info here


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Hi Ange...

Pardon me...but u sound like very new to the marine hobby. If so...pls try to stay off from jelly fishes...real cool no doubt....but real real diff....for a beginner. Sorrie if u r an experience reefer...

Tks :)

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Hi Ange...

Pardon me...but u sound like very new to the marine hobby. If so...pls try to stay off from jelly fishes...real cool no doubt....but real real diff....for a beginner. Sorrie if u r an experience reefer...

Tks :)

know of anything that looks like jelly fish?

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A tank full of floating plastic bags?


On a more serious note...how about sth easier to start wif...say a tank of common clownfishes? Can be quite pretty & definitely much easier & possible as compared to jello. :)

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A tank full of floating plastic bags?


On a more serious note...how about sth easier to start wif...say a tank of common clownfishes? Can be quite pretty & definitely much easier & possible as compared to jello. :)

i got this thing called Spanish Dancer?

quite cool... she likes it....

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Hi Ange...

Sigh...thats another thing which ya fren should not try!!! Diff to keep alive and u need a big tank (even then...it prob die still). Its swims/ dance in the water u koe? I had one sometime back...managed to keep it alive for a mth only...dun really koe wat it eats...despite having quite a variety of diff sponges in my tank. One fine day it juz disappeared and I assume it is dead. Ps* Poisionous when dead...doubt a 1 feet can handle it.

I bet ya fren will love nudibranchs too...those purple/pink/yellow slugs...and she will prob fall in love wif sea apples....sea horses...

Ya fren seems to have the same taste as me! :P

And oh...those that i mentioned above...r all not for the beginner & some not for the expert either.

Somehow I have a feeling that ya fren most prob go ahead n try it anyway. :)

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  • SRC Member

wow jellyfishes? arent they poisonous? i feel at home shouldnt keep poisonous creatures leh, skali someone ignorant go n put tank in water how... :o

but no doubt must be interesting....... eh ange, how abt octopus? just one octopus would do.... at least its got long legs like the jellyfish...oni thing it doesnt float on the surface? :rolleyes:

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  • SRC Member
wow jellyfishes? arent they poisonous? i feel at home shouldnt keep poisonous creatures leh, skali someone ignorant go n put tank in water how... :o

but no doubt must be interesting....... eh ange, how abt octopus? just one octopus would do.... at least its got long legs like the jellyfish...oni thing it doesnt float on the surface? :rolleyes:

Lagi worst.. Octopus will crawl out of the tank one.. If got blue ring deadlier than jellyfish.. I think stick to damsels better... Dunn make the ambulance team busy..

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Octopuses are very intellligent and good escape artistes.... they can even learn how to move tank covers to crawl out.

I read of one story where an octopus learnt to crawl out of his tank into another tank to steal baitfishes or some other food to eat and then crawl back into his tank... the owner caught him doing it at night after wondering why the other tank's stuff kept disappearing overnight!


Anyway... octopuses have very short lives too... slightly less than 1 year.

NEVER GET THE BLUE-RING OCTOPUS!! They are extremely poisonous, one bite and you'll be dead in a few minutes. I don't know how in the world they can still get through customs occasionally, myabe they don't know how to ID them!

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  • SRC Member

i didn't know if i wanted to let u guys know this.........but since they will end up cut up alive anyway. The normal kinds are available in the better fishing bait shops-pasir panjang & changi. About a fist sized $2 each.

last time went fishing- my friend bought 2 to try(shop insited beri good) & both of us didn't have the heart to use them so let them go.- funny thing is i let a lot of things go that day...numerous parrot fishes too.

Also saw 2 angels around the pier.

i'm a hopeless attempt at a fisherman!! :P

suckers damn strong & a very clever animal- eats small cabs.

Keep your fingers away from the beaked mouth.

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When I was fishing in pulau Tioman many years ago... we net caught many baby octopuses... and they make excellent bait.

They are the only bait which can crawl out of the pail and walk across the boat deck and back into the water!!! :lol:

Their suckers are extremely strong... once they stick to your skin, you'll be sorry! hehee!

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  • SRC Member

There's more Creetin...i saw this docu or some program, where they performed an experiment on the octupus...

They put some food into a jar and place the jar into a tank with an octu. The bugger enjoyed it and they continued to do this for a few times over a period of time. Then one day they used the same jar but this time they put a lid over the jar and as usual dropped it into the tank. The octu was stoned and tried to figure out wat the heck was going on, until it finally managed to open the jar with its tentacles and retrieve the food!!!

Er, think its something like this; anyone else saw this program before, pls correct me heheh :D

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  • SRC Member

I've seen octopus get through mazes made of transparent acrylic that involves the octopus surfacing to get to the other side on TV. It is believed that octopus are more intelligent than dogs.

How did we get from jellyfish to octopus? :blink:


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