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Check your bill


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  • SRC Member

I refer to the bill statement from Pacific Internet Service Provider for the month of Oct 2003. In the statement, your company is charging me a service which I did not apply for - Dark Space. This charge amounting to $18.17, which to my understanding is an optional service provided to subscriber who plays on-line game.

Who gives your company the power to make assumption that I wanted this service? I can’t help but feeling being exploited by such policy of your company. Is this a new business model adopted? Does this constitute a valid contract? How many months have your company being doing this ‘monkey’ business without the subscriber being aware? How many potential victims am I looking at?

As a consumer I have every rights to protect myself, hence I demand an explanation from your top management regarding this issue.

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the top mgt won't reply to u. usually some bugger from mid-level will tried to cover upz.

I used to have some problems with credit cards company n another ISP. Credit Card companies I wrote to their VP in charge direct, the ISP no news, so I wrote to the Computer Times which was published.

Like dat then got effect.

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  • SRC Member
I refer to the bill statement from Pacific Internet Service Provider for the month of Oct 2003. In the statement, your company is charging me a service which I did not apply for - Dark Space. This charge amounting to $18.17, which to my understanding is an optional service provided to subscriber who plays on-line game.

Who gives your company the power to make assumption that I wanted this service? I can’t help but feeling being exploited by such policy of your company. Is this a new business model adopted? Does this constitute a valid contract? How many months have your company being doing this ‘monkey’ business without the subscriber being aware? How many potential victims am I looking at?

As a consumer I have every rights to protect myself, hence I demand an explanation from your top management regarding this issue.

i understand your anger.... i just called them up yesterday to cancel the damn dark space thing

there is also a mail guard that they are charging too... better cancel yours if you haven't opt out.

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  • SRC Member

Legally speaking, there is NO SUCH THING as assuming you want the service, ie there is no legal contract btwn the 2 parties, until you personally agree to the terms and undertake it, there is no valid contract. This part of contractual law comes from the reasoning that "silence does not imply consent". BUT you see this used everywhere, not just mailguard, but last time the garment medisave or something for elderly. so in any case dont worry, just demand your money back, they have absolutely no grounds to take your money on some bogus assumption.

incidentally speaking of service, last time M* billed my autoroaming bill with error, overcharged me $100 plus extra! I go complain, they say they look into it, ask me PAY FULL BILL first. then wait >1 week, get one call saying its an error, the money will be credited to me in next bill. No profuse apologies or anything. then next day a letter arrives asking me to fill in a questionaire on their service on this issue and comes with a self addressed envelope expecting me to fill in and mail back to them. again it was a clinical questionaire, no "sorry" anywhere, just "how did you find our service, etc..."

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  • SRC Member

Regarding the Darkspace thing... I sent a similar &$^&%*$#^%&## letter to them (cc to SCV and SingNet somemore for more dramatic effect), and they took it off immediately from my next bill...

So I guess I am not the only one feeling the same way... I think the Pacific Net staff who came up with this stoopid "Opt-Out" thingy must have gotten it very bad... sure kena demoted or something... hahaha.... :lol::D:lol:

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  • SRC Member

last time i also like that...

applied for broadband then there's this free extra 2mb e-mail space + dun noe wat for 3 mths then i hav to cancel them or else they will continue charge....

then i called n try to cancel it, but the operator told me to email her n she will do the cancellation for me.... :angry:

then it's onli 4 mths later then i found out that i hav been charged for that 2 stupid services every mth!!!

luckily i still got the sent mail... or i called n complain n they repaid me the extra charges for that 3 mths....

although technical services wise, they provide realli fast n dedicated speed...

their personal services r not as gd as i expect them to be.... firstly, they shldn't just commence stg ( like mail guard free for 1 mth ) then u hav to go cancel it urself..... they shld just cut off n continue the service onli if u requested to continue it ( stg like new SCV channels )....

secondly, they shld make changes as requested on the phone n not ask u to email them n u do not noe whether they in fact got receive a not.....

thirdly, i requested monthly invoice by mail n not electronically, yet they nv take into account of that, that's y i din realise the charges....

!!!! :angry::pirate::nuke::evil:

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