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surface agitation


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  • SRC Member

It leads to better gas exchange and tt means more stable pH.

If you have a point light source, like mH, it creates glitter lines, high intense focus lighting. This glitter can reach places where a normal straight lighting can't get to.

Surface agitation allows you to harvest more lighting into the water, for the same area than compared to a still surface.

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  • SRC Member
Surface agitation achieve by the wave maker ...is it the same as using cooling fan blowing at the surface to get the Surface agitation???

I believe it is quite similar, just that the strength of "surface agitation" is different. :D

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  • SRC Member

hi there bro jun,

bro madmac answered that perfectly. surface agitation is crucial in a marine set up to facilitate gas exchange and in doing so, equalibriate oxygen and carbon dioxide levels in line with atmospheric levels. if there is insufficient surface agitation, CO2 levels could be higher in tank due to respiration by corals anf fish, and conversely, oxygen levels will be lower.

light penetration is also increased, because with a still flat water surface, alot of light is reflected away from the surface, whereas with constantly shifting surfaces, light is better able to penetrate.

that said, you dont necessarily have to aim any wavemakers or powerheads at the surface area, just try to achieve adequate flow throughout the tank and you should get good surface agitation.



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