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Green Hairy Algae - How to get rid?

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  • SRC Member

:o Hi,

My nano has been doing okay for the last 6 months.

But currently I'm experiencing a semi-crash in my nano and I think its to do with the recent growth of the green harir-like algae..

You remove some and it creeps back in.

Water parameters are fine...no NO3 and KH is 9.

I have cut back on frozen brineshrimp feeding..

I have cut back on light to 6 hours a day

I change a bag of water once a week..

But both the jewels are gone, the madarin died..

Please help if anyone can advise on how to cope with this 'crash' and eliminate the green algae... Thanks in advance.

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I'm not too sure if the hair algae is the main culprit of your jewel's and mandarin's death... the algae growth is a clear indication that the balance in the water condition is being affected.

You didn't tell us your Phosphate level... and high phosphate level can encourage algae growth and retards coral growth and may causes damage.

6 months is about time... are you currently using product like Chemi-pure or PUR-II? I suspect one (or both) of the following is due to be changed:

i) Phosphate remover

ii) Activated carbon

Hope this helps :)

Tank 60x40x40 Optiwhite Glass Tank Sump Elos 500 w/ Tunze Overflow Protein Skimmer Skimz Kone SK1 Return Pump Hydor Seltz L30 Wavemaker Hydor K1 Illumination 150W + 2 T5 Chiller Arctica 1/5hp w/ Aquabee 1000 Water Top-up Tunze Osmolator Dosing Pumps Grotech 3-Channels Calcium Reactor Deltec PF 501 Computer Aquatronica

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  • SRC Member
go and get a YT

i have one which doesn't touch hair algae at all... so far only 2 things have worked for me, 1. seahare (but died after a few weeks) 2. toothbrush..

but IMO, prevention is better than cure..

Oh do go check out a anti hair algae chemical that ML brings in... heard it works..

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  • SRC Member

hair algae = phosphate. Other than phosphate, high silicate and nitrate will promote algae growth.

Solution :

1. Change water with RO/DI source.

2. Apply high quality(iron based) phosphate remover eg. Purephos, Rowa and etc.

3. To completely kill those hair algae, either cook ur LR or shutdown light completely for 1 week. Algae will died off due lack of foods.

4. Get algae eater such as Blue leg hermit crab, foxface, tang(to nip small tiny algae),sea urchin and other algae eater.

5. Increase water flow to prevent dead spot inside your tank so that algae will not attack those LR.

6. For future guarantee, you may apply Algone into your sump to absorb NO3 (efficient when ur current NO3 level <20ppm) and prevent other bad algae grow.

Hope it's help.

You can refer htis link also : http://www.aquariacentral.com/forums/showthread.php?t=79999


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  • SRC Member

Henry was telling me to get abalone for long hair algae, algae blenny for short hair algae.

as for sea cukes and sea hare, according to him they're more for clearing diatoms

Project R.E.

Main Tank: 48" x 18" x 24" 12mm with external overflow piping

Sump Tank: 28" x 14.5" x 12" (3 compartments)

Lightings: T5 HO - Hopar 3* 39w + ATI 2* 54w

Skimmer: Skimz Bullet Beckett

Chiller: Resun CL-650 (28 - 29 °C)

Wavemakers: 2* Seio M620 + 1* Hydor K2 (7100 litre / hr)

Fluidized Reactor: Skimz FR (currently empty)

Pumps: 1x Rio 32HF (Skimmer), 1x Rio 20HF (Return & Chiller)

Filtration: more than 80kg LRs, chaeto

Water Circulation: ~ 4000 litre / hr

Future Plans: additional wavemaker, DIY algae scrubber, DIY overflow box


Project R : 36" x 12" x 24" 10mm reef

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