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Alkalinity Supplement

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What Alkalinity supplement would you reccomend that I can use regularly and will help raise my PH?

I have this problem on PH. It is always on the lower side (around 7.85). If I added kalkwaser (i think i speeld it wrongly), the ph will rise to around 7.95 but would return back to 7.85 after a day. I am using a PH monitor and this is calibrated and confirmed reading correct PH. I don't have corals but only two fish and lots of live rock with corraline algae.

I suspect that my alkalinity is low but have not measured yet (have not bought the test kit yet).

Any help on those who experience this will be appreciated.

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  • SRC Member

most likely the cause for the low ph is due to a low kh

for immediate cure you can get seachem reef buffer 8.3, it stabilises your ph at 8.3 without fear of overdose. note during lighting hours and application of kalk its normal for ph to rise.

you could buy seachem reef builder to boost your kh

salifert kh+ph is also good

suggest you get the alkalinity test kit asap to confirm low levels,

you do not want to harm your tank more adversely

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  • SRC Member

What is your alk in the first place. You shouldn't suppliment unless you know where you want to bring it to.

Most low pH problems result from one of two things:

excess CO2 (in the tank or surrounding air)


a dirty tank (high NO3)

A low alk may may not always lead to a pH, not in the day at least.

something for you to read : Low pH causes and cures

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I double what bro Madmac mentioned... you must know your Alk level before you can get something to fix it. Bearing in mind too high a Alk can also be very harmful. I find Tropic Marin Alk Test Kit particularly easy to use (after trying Salifert).

As for dosing, I've tried Salifert KH+PH before... it's very effective but very potent. There's a danger of overdosing or raising too much within a day. Must use with caution.

Alk is a very crucial parameter as it will also affect Calcium (and somewhat linked to Magnesium).

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