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Removal of Camera from Cameraphone


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  • SRC Member

And how much ?

got a Motorola E398. nice phone . love the ringtones . want to rip out the camera and use it as a army phone ( classified unit . no LOA allowed ) . Anyone know where i can get it removed and the hole covered up or something ? thanks

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  • SRC Member

shouldnt it be simple ? i feel like i could do it myself . open casing . tear out camera . close back casing . easy .

But somehow i feel i may be wrong , and that is preventing me from doing it . so prefer to seek professional help

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  • SRC Member

its not that easy... the camera is attached to the board in the phone i tink and by taking it out... i think u wld affect the functioning and ciruit of the boards in the phone... dun do it unless u know how the circuit flows in the com... am not a electronics engineering major but am in the engine field hahaha

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  • SRC Member

The camera will most likely be soldered to the mainboard of the phone. It is not advisable to remove it as you might either create an open circuit or a system error as the onboard processor will detect camera missing and return an error causing the whole phone to hang. Generally, feel that its not really worth the effort to do something like that. Most u can do is take away the cover and seal up the lens using black silicone or something permanet. But I believe classified unit very neow one... will still penalize u.

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  • SRC Member
And how much ?

got a Motorola E398. nice phone . love the ringtones . want to rip out the camera and use it as a army phone ( classified unit . no LOA allowed ) . Anyone know where i can get it removed and the hole covered up or something ? thanks

Hi spidy, no, MINDEF/SAF wouldnt allow that particular model of mobile phone still even if the camera has been removed! besides, why void the warranty?

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  • SRC Member

hi... its possible to disable the cameras... as alot of ppl from my camp have removed the cameras... don't ask me how to removed maybe you can try to contact the motorola ppl ask them to help you remove it....

i know alot of them removed them coz i'm 1 of them who always check them :P

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  • SRC Member

I lost 1 month of my life thanks to this . I wont bother with cover up or paste sticker . i dont want to get penalised AT ANY COST . I want the whole thing out of there . Used to keep a 8250 in my car to show the MPs when spotcheck checking . But on that day i just happened to totally forget about it

CKS , sure bo ? That would really suck.

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  • SRC Member
I lost 1 month of my life thanks to this . I wont bother with cover up or paste sticker . i dont want to get penalised AT ANY COST . I want the whole thing out of there . Used to keep a 8250 in my car to show the MPs when spotcheck checking . But on that day i just happened to totally forget about it

CKS , sure bo ? That would really suck.

I used to work in defence policy group ... most of the time those black & white are general guidelines .. really up to the camp CO to decide to follow or not (which most of the time they'll i think) .. guess the MPs not as vigilant as expected.

but for camera phone, i dont remember any exception.

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  • SRC Member

I used to work in defence policy group ... most of the time those black & white are general guidelines .. really up to the camp CO to decide to follow or not (which most of the time they'll i think) .. guess the MPs not as vigilant as expected.

but for camera phone, i dont remember any exception.

as long as you don't have any photo taking or recording device on your phone its ok....

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I used to work in defence policy group ... most of the time those black & white are general guidelines .. really up to the camp CO to decide to follow or not (which most of the time they'll i think) .. guess the MPs not as vigilant as expected.

but for camera phone, i dont remember any exception.

Hi CKS I think as a personnel working in a policy group before u should know what is the consequences when u r being caught right. Fyi the MPs r not as "stupid" as what as u think....

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  • SRC Member

Hi CKS I think as a personnel working in a policy group before u should know what is the consequences when u r being caught right. Fyi the MPs r not as "stupid" as what as u think....

if caught, can be considered act of espionage.

hm.. now u're putting words into my mouth.. dont remember mentioning our MPs as "stupid" .. quite a strong word too.. infact i respect them alot! I wouldnt be able to stand guard for that prolong period.

and also, whatever i mentioned may be outdated/inaccurate and Im not representing the authority.

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  • SRC Member

I am using a camera phone right now. In the SAF oso. Just bring to Motorola service centre and have it removed for a small fee. They will issue u a receipt on the services rendered. Then when u book into camp, just show the Provost ur phone and the receipt. Cheers.

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  • SRC Member
I am using a camera phone right now. In the SAF oso. Just bring to Motorola service centre and have it removed for a small fee. They will issue u a receipt on the services rendered. Then when u book into camp, just show the Provost ur phone and the receipt. Cheers.

guess im outdated :ph34r:

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  • SRC Member
How about those phone wraping service like GWrap? Ask them to wrap the phone but dun cut out the hole for camera lens. Will this pass?

im not too sure what Gwrap is .. but practice gd judgment .. do u think its feasible way to prevent ppl from snapping pic? for more enquires have to contact security department


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  • SRC Member
pai se... should be Gmask instead of Gwrap... basically they wrap your phone with some kind of protective film with lots of design for U to choose from... check out their website..


actually there was something like this on trial (only certain camps), but not too sure abt the conclusion as of today.

I think MINDEF/SAF will prefer 'Gmask' thingy that they've evaluated, and not what we can buy off the shelf, so they'll provide the wrap thingy @ the security counter, but how economical is it to provide them?

again, there're no such thing as 100% secure, but only best effort of what we can affort (in terms of $$), even if MINDEF/SAF allows hte wrap thingy, how are they gonna managed the risk?

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