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Male orchid dottyback (P. fridmani) - $ 34

2 x black ocellaris fed on Dr Bassleer's Biofish food (######). Guaranteed disease free - $160. Buyer gets a free cup of mini brittlestars (great scavengers).

Always something more important than fish.


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Interested in the Firmani. Have been asking Henry but not seen it come in for a while.

I have 1 in my tank. Not sure if male or female. If I add in yours, will they fight?

I think (marine) therefore I am

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Hi Chris. Since your fridmani has been in your care for quite some time, it is likely that it has morphed into a male and will end up fighting with my male. To pair up fish that are able to change ###### it is best to introduce them at the same time when they are young.

The black ocellaris are going for $140 for the pair if they can be collected by this coming Thursday. They are about 1.25 inch in total length.

Always something more important than fish.


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  • SRC Member
  FuEl said:
Hi Chris. Since your fridmani has been in your care for quite some time, it is likely that it has morphed into a male and will end up fighting with my male. To pair up fish that are able to change ###### it is best to introduce them at the same time when they are young.

Hi Fuel,

Some query here. Since alot of LS are protogynous hermaphrodites. Does that means they need a social enviorment to morphed into male if both are female??? As you're in the right field to comment abt this thus the question. What abt flame angel?




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In protogynous hermaphrodites (PH), females will morph into males. This does happen due to the influence of social environment but it can happen as well if you keep an individual. In nature, males of PH are limited thus it will always appear favourable to morph into males. In aquariums where territory is limited and dominance can easily be gained I would'nt be surprised if single fish choose to morph into males. The same applies for flame angels. ###### reversal back to female is also possible, but it is not such a common occurrence that could occur in the confines of an aquarium. Males would probably kill each other before ###### reversal could be accomplished.

Always something more important than fish.


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