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Sad Monday for me


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  • SRC Member

My 1" Red painted frogfish ate my <1.5" Wetmorella nigropinnata which I house in the same 1' x .5' x 1' QT this morning. And now the damn frogfish have a stomach bigger than it's body. Tried to save the fella by squeezing the frogfish stomach as I see the tail outside but instead he(frogfish) swallow faster. k..n..n

I have to no choice but to release my other Wetmorella nigropinnata prematurely into the main tank.





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Big mistake.....frogfish will swallow fishes twice their size. I've seen one hungry frogfish that tried to swallow another frogfish 3 times its size but got to give up after a long long while.

Sorry about your lost.

Why all the venom? Reefing is just a hobby, dude.

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  • SRC Member
Big mistake.....frogfish will swallow fishes twice their size. I've seen one hungry frogfish that tried to swallow another frogfish 3 times its size but got to give up after a long long while.

Sorry about your lost.

True enough.

"Slap, Slap", 1 for the mistake & 1 for killing the Wetmorella nigropinnata. :cry2::cry2: Still I feel very sad abt the whole incident. Now, I have learned my lesson. Should have bought 1"+ damselfish at Reborn yesterday. :cry2::cry2:




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