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Calcium in water


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I tested my tank water with Salifert CA and Sera test kit. Both registered about 600. Is it too high? I only dose trace elements. Does that mean my Mg is very low. In that case, how do i balance both the elements?

I am using corallife salt. I have one palm size bubble coral in the tank. Thanks all.

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I have the same problem with high calcium level too. It's been at the 540 to 590 level for the past couple of weeks despite water change (fortnightly).

How to lower the CA level and what is the likely casue of this?

Please help!!

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I dont really think water changes will be of much help,meanwhile just let the calcium in the water to be used up slowly and do not dose anything tt increases ur calcium level in ur tank

just my 2 cents ;)

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since you test your water so, why not also test the salt mixture that you are adding into your tank. Add something within the acceptable parameters of ca (400-450ppm) mg (1200-1350ppm)and kh(9-11 dkh), in that way, every time you do a water change, no matter what your parameters are you know that you are doing good for your tank. think about it, i think it makes sense... ^_^

what kind of measure are you using to ascertain the salinity of your water ? hydrometer? best if you use a refractometer, maybe your salinity is on the high side thus the high reading. salinity should be between 1.021-1.025

keep on trying and one day you will do it right !! :P

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I am using a refractometer sg is app 1.025.

Also i think water change is not appropiate at this moment... cos changing fresh salt water is actually replenishing the elements... I believe it's due to the Corallife salt we are using (as reply by a few of our reefers)?

So if i lower the sg to 1.020, calcium will be dilluted then?

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  Yaga said:
I am using a refractometer sg is app 1.025.

Also i think water change is not appropiate at this moment... cos changing fresh salt water is actually replenishing the elements... I believe it's due to the Corallife salt we are using (as reply by a few of our reefers)?

So if i lower the sg to 1.020, calcium will be dilluted then?

when i mean water change my advice is only add into your tank that

which is within the acceptable parameters, meaning if your newly mixed

salt is high in Ca then dont add it in.

1. it could be that your salt is abnormally high in Ca, coralife is not well

know for its QC; the Mg is most of the time screwed up, either too high

or low ---> you could consider changing salt, coralife is one of the

cheapest salt in the mkt, but in the same way you sort of "pay" for it.

2. you can lower the sg, however dont forget that not only are you removing part of the Ca, you are also removing other elements in the salt mix; most importantly the things that you cant test.

3.you can let nature take its course and consume the calcium, however i do not think it is a long term solution, 600ppm Ca would indicate an ionic imbalance and thus a possible deficiency in other areas. Besides the saturation pt of Ca should be around 500ppm so you might have calcification in areas that might not be nice; pumps on the glass along the waterline, so on.

you do not need to dose trace elements, seeing that you only have a single bubble, and you were all also making frequent water changes (i presume). you have Mg and Kh test kits? when dealing with Ca problems, more often than not you will find Mg off parameter.


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  jamomatt said:
Has anyone tested calcium levels of freshly mixed coralife salt water? I use same brand but it is on the lower side (slightly more than 400). Maybe some problem with a particular batch?

so what do you think to be the acceptable parameters for Ca? ;)

it should be be within 400-450

so i think that fits the bill, nothing wrong with your salt <_<

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  Yaga said:
I am using a refractometer sg is app 1.025. 

Also i think water change is not appropiate at this moment... cos changing fresh salt water is actually replenishing the elements... I believe it's due to the Corallife salt we are using (as reply by a few of our reefers)?

So if i lower the sg to 1.020, calcium will be dilluted then?

No you shouldn't go 1.020 just to fix ur Calcium... IMO don't worry so much coz u only have 1 coral in your tank... once your coralline algae starts growing like wild fire and with more corals... you will find it difficult to keep a high enough calcium without dosing or a CR. Relax a bit... high Ca can also help boost coralline algae. The only disadvantage of it is the ionic imbalance it may cause... but don't panic over it :lol: Enjoy the hobby and start introduce more LPS... they will help you control your Ca level (if that makes you feel better already) :P

Actually many parts of the ocean consists of 350 Ca only (I was told)... the reason why reefers tend to keep their Ca levels higher is to prepare for consumption. So if suddenly your CR not working properly, say after 100 consumption by your corals, you still have 350 (acceptable level)... so see the 450 mark as plenty of reserves...

Tank 60x40x40 Optiwhite Glass Tank Sump Elos 500 w/ Tunze Overflow Protein Skimmer Skimz Kone SK1 Return Pump Hydor Seltz L30 Wavemaker Hydor K1 Illumination 150W + 2 T5 Chiller Arctica 1/5hp w/ Aquabee 1000 Water Top-up Tunze Osmolator Dosing Pumps Grotech 3-Channels Calcium Reactor Deltec PF 501 Computer Aquatronica

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  fongster said:

so what do you think to be the acceptable parameters for Ca? ;)

it should be be within 400-450

so i think that fits the bill, nothing wrong with your salt <_<

I'm not one of those with too high calcium la :P

Just asking the bros with the problem to check their salt mix only. But my coralife salt got super low Mg though... :angry:

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  jamomatt said:
But my coralife salt got super low Mg though... :angry:

Low Mg saltmix is a contant headache :(:(:(

Tank 60x40x40 Optiwhite Glass Tank Sump Elos 500 w/ Tunze Overflow Protein Skimmer Skimz Kone SK1 Return Pump Hydor Seltz L30 Wavemaker Hydor K1 Illumination 150W + 2 T5 Chiller Arctica 1/5hp w/ Aquabee 1000 Water Top-up Tunze Osmolator Dosing Pumps Grotech 3-Channels Calcium Reactor Deltec PF 501 Computer Aquatronica

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  Sotong said:
Any undesired side effect if calcium level too high?

Yes, I was told high calcium can hardens the sand bed... but if you have critters like Sand Sifting Stars, Hermits, Gobies and Blennies... not a problem lah :lol:

But of course the best is to keep it within the 420 to 450 range... but if slightly above... IMO no need to panic lor... in fact you will notice some new growth in your tank with some extra calcium :lol::lol::lol:

Tank 60x40x40 Optiwhite Glass Tank Sump Elos 500 w/ Tunze Overflow Protein Skimmer Skimz Kone SK1 Return Pump Hydor Seltz L30 Wavemaker Hydor K1 Illumination 150W + 2 T5 Chiller Arctica 1/5hp w/ Aquabee 1000 Water Top-up Tunze Osmolator Dosing Pumps Grotech 3-Channels Calcium Reactor Deltec PF 501 Computer Aquatronica

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  Yaga said:
I tested my tank water with Salifert CA and Sera test kit. Both registered about 600. Is it too high? I only dose trace elements. Does that mean my Mg is very low. In that case, how do i balance both the elements?

I am using corallife salt. I have one palm size bubble coral in the tank. Thanks all.

Normally I would suspect test procedure error or faulty test kit. 600ppm calcium is insanely high for normal sea water. It can't stay at that level for long before precipitating out.

If it is really that high. Not doing anything is the best thing. Leaving if for a few days should allow the levels to fall to normal.


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  Yaga said:
I guess i just have to leave the calcium alone till it drops to acceptable level.. my bubbles is doing just fine, i think... Anyway, i just noticed a little coralline growth on my seio.....

That's a good sign. Coralline love plastic.


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  • SRC Member
  Yaga said:
I tested my tank water with Salifert CA and Sera test kit. Both registered about 600. Is it too high? I only dose trace elements. Does that mean my Mg is very low. In that case, how do i balance both the elements?   

I am using corallife salt. I have one palm size bubble coral in the tank. Thanks all.

Hi Yaga, I think is your unbalance water parameters... <_<

You can use Caribsea AragaMILK, a product of CaribSea, Inc. :eyebrow:

My Product Review (I'm not their sale staff... can see my tank thread lol)

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If my memory serves, it's due to the surface electrical charge.


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