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Marine Tank Help

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Dear Reefers,

Just set up my first 2 FT Marine Tank....its been a week since cycling....and a few days after cycling i put in my first clown fish and 2 life rocks from Pet Shop BOys..although my NO2 Levels rocket to 0.5 mg/L even though I put in a flake or 2 or fish food to decompose!....Its a miracle its still alive. ANy comments.

Just 2 days ago..I went to A LFS in Bukit Timah Plaza...the tanks don't look well maintained..but the boss has been in business for years...I bought a Tube Worm, some kind of Sea Grass on a Rock, a Goniopora Coral ( Looks like Luminous Cauliflower ) , Banded Coral Shrimp I think and some kind of Damsel.

Problem is at home I realise that my Damsel especially wasn't in good condition, tins torn and tattered..after a day it start swimming in a darting fashion and I see some thing white coming out of gill and fins near gills. It was still feeding on my flake food, but I did not want to take any risk. My Tube Worm's protective cover at the bottom seems crushed or something, but its still alive and well.

I have some questions regard Treatment of Diseases...I have never managed to save a sick fish from illness with my 2 medications I have at home one for Internal Bacteria Diseases, and One Agst Ichthyophthirius and Fungus Disease from QUit ICK...some Blue Staining Chemical, donno if its methyl blue? or potassum permanganate.

On seeing the condition of my damsel, I removed it from my tank into a small container with 600 mL of my tank water, added a very small portion < than 1 ML cos the directions were 5 ML per 50 Litres of water...and I aerated the water with Airstone, WITHIN FEW HOURS or less than fish DIED pathetically

I want to know if I treated the fish in the right way? or do I have to have it in a proper tank with biological filtration...wondering if NO2 and ammonia spikes killed it rather than my medicine?? BUt then again, HOW DO FISHES survive in the bags filled with oxygens for HOURS before arriving home or exportation?

Do medicines have expiry dates?? I don't know cos I don;t see any date. The famous Aquarium Salt remedy for Fresh water Aquaria, CAN they be used for Marine Fishes as well?

Do Marine Invertebrates like tube worms and all that...get sick as well?? and what symptoms they show..?

I saw a Sera Guide promoting its Fertiliser for Freshwater Aquatic Plants for the nutrients of plants in the Marine Aquarium,,,,can I assume my UP Taiwan fertilisers can be used..??

Sera also promotes CO2 Injection for sea plants...but I am worried abt lowering the C02 to dangerous levels if I do that in the future or will the KH level prevent this? Does the KH remain stable for Marine Aquariums?

Can some one comment on the condition of my Live Rocks...some twig like items have been falling off...and to have high NO2 Levels during my 1st week is normal?? I am using a ALIFe Small OVerflow External Filter for my 2 FT with Sand as bacteria ground and Tetra Nitrate Minus in there as well as in the sand bed

Oh yes my Goniopora Coral was sold to me in I think a torn and tattered state $8...but its still glows to my tank lights. My Clown is a fit condition unexpectedly..despite the hight NO2 Levels...

MY LAST QUESTION will be feeding of corals which I have no Clue...I bought a COral LIFe Invertebrate Food ( DIRECT FEEDING ) $17 as it was cheaper than DT Plankton at $25...

The Instructions says 1 or 2 drops per week per animal using a Plastic Syringe,..I was not give any syringe....and I don't know how to feed...> feed them by taking them out of water and dropping 1 or 2 drops on them? I did this to my tube worm it it almost immediately withdrawed, right in my hands...!

Below are some of my tank pictures :

*picture edited for size by moderator*


Edited by Tanzy
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  • SRC Member

Pls dun post more than 1 thread pls!!! Just bump you thread if no one answer, K? :D

And also read up before you buy a tank, read again after you buy a tank, then follow by reading, reading and more reading.

You just can't rush to a store and buy the tank and LS on the same day :angry:

Do a proper cycling b4 putting in any LS!!! ;)

Cheers!! B)

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  • SRC Member
Dear Reefers,

Just set up my first 2 FT Marine Tank....its been a week since cycling....and a few days after cycling i put in my first clown fish and 2 life rocks from Pet Shop BOys..although my NO2 Levels rocket to 0.5 mg/L even though I put in a flake or 2 or fish food to decompose!....Its a miracle its still alive. ANy comments.

Just 2 days ago..I went to A LFS in Bukit Timah Plaza...the tanks don't look well maintained..but the boss has been in business for years...I bought a Tube Worm, some kind of Sea Grass on a Rock, a Goniopora Coral ( Looks like Luminous Cauliflower ) , Banded Coral Shrimp I think and some kind of Damsel.

Problem is at home I realise that my Damsel especially wasn't in good condition, tins torn and tattered..after a day it start swimming in a darting fashion and I see some thing white coming out of gill and fins near gills. It was still feeding on my flake food, but I did not want to take any risk. My Tube Worm's protective cover at the bottom seems crushed or something, but its still alive and well.

I have some questions regard Treatment of Diseases...I have never managed to save a sick fish from illness with my 2 medications I have at home one for Internal Bacteria Diseases, and One Agst Ichthyophthirius and Fungus Disease from QUit ICK...some Blue Staining Chemical, donno if its methyl blue? or potassum permanganate.

On seeing the condition of my damsel, I removed it from my tank into a small container with 600 mL of my tank water, added a very small portion < than 1 ML cos the directions were 5 ML per 50 Litres of water...and I aerated the water with Airstone, WITHIN FEW HOURS or less than fish DIED pathetically

I want to know if I treated the fish in the right way? or do I have to have it in a proper tank with biological filtration...wondering if NO2 and ammonia spikes killed it rather than my medicine?? BUt then again, HOW DO FISHES survive in the bags filled with oxygens for HOURS before arriving home or exportation?

Do medicines have expiry dates?? I don't know cos I don;t see any date. The famous Aquarium Salt remedy for Fresh water Aquaria, CAN they be used for Marine Fishes as well?

Do Marine Invertebrates like tube worms and all that...get sick as well?? and what symptoms they show..?

I saw a Sera Guide promoting its Fertiliser for Freshwater Aquatic Plants for the nutrients of plants in the Marine Aquarium,,,,can I assume my UP Taiwan fertilisers can be used..??

Sera also promotes CO2 Injection for sea plants...but I am worried abt lowering the C02 to dangerous levels if I do that in the future or will the KH level prevent this? Does the KH remain stable for Marine Aquariums?

Can some one comment on the condition of my Live Rocks...some twig like items have been falling off...and to have high NO2 Levels during my 1st week is normal?? I am using a ALIFe Small OVerflow External Filter for my 2 FT with Sand as bacteria ground and Tetra Nitrate Minus in there as well as in the sand bed

Oh yes my Goniopora Coral was sold to me in I think a torn and tattered state $8...but its still glows to my tank lights. My Clown is a fit condition unexpectedly..despite the hight NO2 Levels...

MY LAST QUESTION will be feeding of corals which I have no Clue...I bought a COral LIFe Invertebrate Food ( DIRECT FEEDING ) $17 as it was cheaper than DT Plankton at $25...

The Instructions says 1 or 2 drops per week per animal using a Plastic Syringe,..I was not give any syringe....and I don't know how to feed...> feed them by taking them out of water and dropping 1 or 2 drops on them? I did this to my tube worm it it almost immediately withdrawed, right in my hands...!

Below are some of my tank pictures :

My Coral Photo ...ANy comments whether it will grow or not?


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Sea Grass..

And...my sick DAMSEL is not because of the cycling problems..it was already NOT in tip Condition My tube /Feather duster worm had an end that was already "crushed" but I don't know why when I put them into my tank

MY NEMO is still as Happy as anything.


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I am in no position to advice you. Just to share.

IMHO, your tank is still not ready... Your survivals in your tank are just fit fishes being put thru a gas chamber! :(

Ever go thru chemical warfare training? If you are in there for a few minutes you are fine, but if you stay in long enough. Death is guarantee! :angel:

You mention your NO2 are still high... NO2 high = still cycling!

Your Damsel is sick in the first place and if put together with fitter fishes guess who die first? Damsel! But it dun mean your clownfish and mates are going to survive the ordeal! Do the LS and yourself a favor, return them! :rolleyes:

Save a live is greater then building a seven story pagoda!!! :bow:


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give away or find some1 to adopt ur Livestock and corals..

u r just wasting ur cash and the fishes lives!!!!

read the pinned threads at new to marine forum@@

i was like u when i start

cannot tahan looking at bare tank..

so i got 3 nemo and throw in after 3 days of adding cure live rock, sand etc...

after a month they are still with me...

but u r way overstocking....

i have a 4 ft tank and 4 ft refuge plus 2.5 ft sump

mayb tts the diff...

anyway gd luck...

by the way...

if u r to get any fish or corals..

pls read up before u buy them!!!

some are not compatible with each other and they eat diff. food..

anyway, plankton works for me.

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the pics? gonioporas have a very low sucess rate in our tanks and your tank is new so it would make it even harder for it to survive.. how small was the container u put the fish into? if the tanks in pe* s*op bo*s don't look well mantained, then don't buy the fishes from there anymore.. there are many other LFSs' arnd the island.. your fish might have died because it was already sick or u overdosed or u added to it's stress but putting it in a small comtainer.. ;)

your no2, no3 and ammonia is SUPPOSED to skyrocket during your 1st or second week at least and when that drops, then only u should add fish... the clown might be stressed out now but it won't waste away since it's quite a hardy fish..

let your no2 and ammonia reach 0 then u can start stocking... slowly.. :peace:

The world is such a wicked place,war btween the human race. People work to earn their bread,while across the sea they're counting dead

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Dear Friends,

JAzz : The Sea Grass was $12 Bucks...Think It contains some tube worms as well in the calcarous base...( I donno if that part is alive as well) ...some come out and retreat when threatened.

Guys: THanks for the help but you did not help me with my other questions : how to feed my corals Direct/INdirect Feeding, Fertiliser for Plants in the Sea Water./..? I Suppose Sea Plants don't get stressed by NO2 Ammonia....as it is its food as well? this is what I know in the Fresh water Aquarium.

how to prepare to treat fish in a Querantine Tank without stressing the fish? The gonioporas are still reacting to my light and touch..( they retract on my fingers disturbing them )...will they re-propagate? Can I put them on top of my life rocks?

I think the questions are further explained in my first msg.

Thanks again!

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the pics? gonioporas have a very low sucess rate in our tanks and your tank is new so it would make it even harder for it to survive.. how small was the container u put the fish into? if the tanks in pe* s*op bo*s don't look well mantained, then don't buy the fishes from there anymore.. there are many other LFSs' arnd the island.. your fish might have died because it was already sick or u overdosed or u added to it's stress but putting it in a small comtainer.. ;)

your no2, no3 and ammonia is SUPPOSED to skyrocket during your 1st or second week at least and when that drops, then only u should add fish... the clown might be stressed out now but it won't waste away since it's quite a hardy fish..

let your no2 and ammonia reach 0 then u can start stocking... slowly.. :peace:

Check out my jewel goniopora...longest polyp is about 16cm long. :blink:


Always something more important than fish.


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