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hi, does anybody knows if this anemone will attach to a LR or on the sandbed? bought it yesterday and was kept inside the plastic container as it seems to overturn itself with its base facing upwards. This anemone have white tentacles with purple tips. Any website regarding to this type of anemones? please help advice, Thanks!

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  • SRC Member

think u post in the wrong forum liao.....

erm y put inside the plastice container?

2 Feet Tank: (Decom Feb 2015)
-Lightings : Pharos LED light 90W with wireless controller
-Chiller : Arctica 1/10HP with H2Ocean Flow Pump 2000

-Wavemaker : Vortech MP10ES
-Skimmer : Bubble Magus NAC 3.5

-Return Pump : Eheim Compact 3000
-Reactor – TLF150 (Mod) with NP Biopellet
-Reactor – TLF150 with Rowaphos

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  • SRC Member

i have one Sand bed if i am not wrong between rocks

p.s get a partner for it !!! all my ana have buddy !


6x2x2.5 FOWLR

Skimmer - Recirculating Custom Beckett Fr - Skimz Fr Return - OR6500/1262 Wavemaker - Tunze 6060 x 2 Light - 2x5ft FL Blue+White

Chiller - CL650

4x4x2 SPS

Skimmer - DeltecAP851 Fr - Skimz FR Return - OR6500 Wavemaker - 2xTunze wavebox +Ts24 Light - 3x250w MH + 8 ATi t5

CR - Deltec pF601s Chiller - Arctica Titanium Commercial Chiller

3.5x2x2 REEF

Skimmer - HnS150-2001 Fr - Skimz Fr Wavemaker - Tunze Ts 24 Return - 1262 Lights - Solite 2x150W MH + 4 Ati T5 CR - Skimz CR NR - Nr1000 Chiller - Arctica Titanium 1/5

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yes, it seems to keep overturn with its base facing up when i put it on the sandbed yesterday. was afraid that the tentacles will be damaged so its temporary kept inside the container. At least from the picture, you can see that its more upright now.. The container itself is definitely too small to contain it though..

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Thanks, Bro!

Had take away the plastic container. Initially, the anemone seems to be floating around with all its tentacles opened. Just reach home and realised that it had found a spot on the sandbed and stay there now. Cheers!

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