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Weekly Updated - 19th to 25th Jun 06

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Surferguy, Oasis at Farmart, 2 LFS there, Oasis is the one in the right wing...look for the elderly uncle...very friendly and helpful. The shop looks rundown, so far have never encounter problem getting my fish and LPS from there...hope you r able to get wat U wanna. :D

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Surferguy, Oasis at Farmart, 2 LFS there, Oasis is the one in the right wing...look for the elderly uncle...very friendly and helpful. The shop looks rundown, so far have never encounter problem getting my fish and LPS from there...hope you r able to get wat U wanna. :D

went to oasis yesterday and did saw some 1" true percular clownfish... but the clownfish not up to expectation cos the fins a bit tattered.

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