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Dottyback to sell

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hi there it is not this morning, what we agree is at night. we agree to meet at 10 plus and you say ok. now you tell me is this morning.....what is wrong with you. i am not so free like you that i can meet you in the morning.

if you dont want to sell or what. just tell me, dont make me wait for you. i trying calling you since 7 plus until 10 plus about more than 5, 6 times and even sms you, and you dont even bother to reply or answer. dont give excuses that you are busy when i tried to call so many time and smses you and you never answer or reply my sms.

Please dont tell people that the fish is poor thing when you are just lying. You can let people wait for your call and sms, withouting even responding to their calls or sms when we call and smsed you so many times, and all you do is

just by saying:

" if u don knw, we agree it as morning. not night... somemore i m busy jus now....."

i think you just can help but to get rid of your "POOR" fish

you said we agree this morning. i still have the sms you want to see. anyway i dont want your dottyback since you are such a unsincere seller.

feel free to write whatever you want to write now, cause i dont care and dont even bother from you :)


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