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DIY my own 2ft t5 light


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  • SRC Member

hi guy...

looking forward for helps n advises to make my very own 2ft T5 light,

which can be use for both NO tubes n HO tubes... my tank is abt 1.5 ft high...


wat to buy?


2 tubes or 4 tubes better?

where to buy them?(wit cheaper price)

will using a T5 increase my tank temperature by alot?(not using chiller)

advises needed..... :thanks:

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Hi there ,

i'm nt sure if the ballast or tubes can handle the extra watt driven by the ballast or the other way around.

For High Output , u'll need

a T5 ballast(nt cheap) , or a E-ballast

reflector , can be frm aquaZ , DE , HV. check the sponsors forum

so far aquaz tubes r the most affordable ones ard.

i'm also using T5 on my tank ,nt using chiller.

usually ard 29-30 deg c , but it dosnt really contribute to the heat factor

other than that u'll need the norms like cables , 3 pin plug , end caps

have fun DIY-ing

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consider this.....you can buy a ready plastic T-5 2 feet 3 feet complete set for around 25 to 28 dollars..all you need is a place to hook it up or atttached to.From any lighting stores with 2 or 3 variation in quality.

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  • SRC Member

well u can actually modify the your own existing light, but only if you are using T5 NO type because u can use back it's endcap

I modified my Dymax T5 NO with 2 tubes to HO. I bought only 2 HO tubes, ballast from DElightings. Very easy but tedious

these cost ard $45 but I need to spend $50 for free delivery so I add in some copper wire. If you can get your own tubes and go Sim Lim Tower get your ballast I am sure it is cheaper but transport fares do add in a little

2 Feet Tank: (Decom Feb 2015)
-Lightings : Pharos LED light 90W with wireless controller
-Chiller : Arctica 1/10HP with H2Ocean Flow Pump 2000

-Wavemaker : Vortech MP10ES
-Skimmer : Bubble Magus NAC 3.5

-Return Pump : Eheim Compact 3000
-Reactor – TLF150 (Mod) with NP Biopellet
-Reactor – TLF150 with Rowaphos

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